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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 90

"Why do I get the feeling this is not going to end well"

"Don't be dramatic"

"You sounded stern and when you sound stern, things always go south between us"

"That's not true"

"It is Alexandra"

"Nothing is going to go wrong between us, at least not today"

Breathing out, Nathaniel calms down, Alexandra may not have noticed this but her words assured him that nothing was going to go wrong when it comes to them.

"Alright, what do you want to talk about? Is it about marriage? Have you changed your mind?"


"Is it because I came to the ceremony without telling you?"


"Then what is it?" He states, raspy

"Will you calm down and let me talk"

"Sure I can do that" He adjusts his seat.

"I accept your offer"

"My offer?" He asks, a bit lost

"Yea the offer you made to me the other day"

"What offer, I'm kind of lost here"

"Don't tell me you already forgot"

"I…Give me a clue"

"I want you to help me out with this new position since is going to be difficult doing it alone. Despite being an Alpha I need you Nathaniel so please stay by my side and help me out"

His eyes sparkle. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. Being an Alpha I'd difficult and there are things I need to learn so yes, help me out"

"You don't have to ask twice of course I will help you out. I will be here when it gets difficult and all"

Looking at him intently in silence for a long moment, She smiles but it doesn't reaches her eyes, drops her gaze staring out the window. Nathaniel realized it wasn't yet over, she still had something to say to him but didn't know how to go about it.

"Why do I get the feeling that is not over yet"

"Is not" she gape at him

"You can tell me anything Alexandra, don't forget"

"I won't"

"So what is it?"

"You know how much this position means to me right?"

"Yes I do," Nathaniel says not sure where she was heading with the talk

"I just…" she pauses

"What is it, Alexandra?"

"Despite asking for your help you will not control what I want to do"

"Of course"

"There are things I will do that you may not understand and I am not ready to explain. I just want you to support me and not control me into doing otherwise"

"Of course sure," Nathaniel says with unpleasantness

"Promise me, Nathaniel"

"I promise you"

She smiles widely glancing around, her eyes falling to the river.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Yes that's all, take me back home" she throws a glance and Nathaniel scoffs, unpleased. He couldn't believe she had brought him here just to set boundaries. Although he had agreed to help her, Nathaniel knew his boundary and wasn't going to control her or make decisions for her pack; he was already aware that Alexandra wasn't one of those women who were easygoing. She would never agree to what she doesn't want, staying with her at the inn made him realize that and he was never going to try and do that again.

Kicking off the engine, Nathaniel speeds off into the road, turning up the volume, a slow love song plays and he quickly turns it off.

"Why did you do that? I love that song"


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