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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Ava sweetheart I'm so proud of you". My mom sobbed as she pulled me in for a hug.

I had graduated in becoming a doctor. All the hard work and hours of studying had finally paid off. I couldn't contain my excitement or the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I was happy and I couldn't wait for the next chapter of my life to begin.

"It's you against the world now baby, you done it, you made something of yourself. I love you A".


It had been months since I graduated and I couldn't for the life of me find a job or placement. No hospital  was willing to give me a chance. I needed more experience or I wasn't the right person for the job. I needed recommendations and that was something I didn't have. I was fresh out the packet eager to start my career.

I had worked so hard, graduating the youngest in my class and right now it all felt like a waste. The student loans, the hours of non stop studying and for what, to get knocked back at every chance?

Grabbing the necklace around my neck something I always did when I was frustrated I let out a heavy sigh. The necklace was the only piece I had left of my dad, the last time I saw him I was seven.

I understood why my mom had taken us away but it still didn't help the emptiness I felt, the piece that always felt missing. I was seven, I didn't understand what was going on. Growing up I asked questions but I never got the answer I wanted. I knew he spent a good few years in prison but what I didn't understand was why he didn't try and look for me.

My dad wasn't your typical dad, he was the leader of an MC in downtown NewYork. I didn't know much but I knew enough. I had so many unanswered questions and no one to answer them. My mom didn't like talking about him, my dad was a sensitive subject. I knew deep down he was the love of her life.

"Ava, honey?"

"Yeah mom?" I called hiding the necklace back under my T-shirt. She knew I wore it, she didn't like it but she knew it was important to me.

"Still no luck baby?" She asked leaning against my open door.

Shaking my head I pulled my knees up to my chin "I can't seem to catch a break, I can't even get a placement. No one wants to take a chance on me". I sighed.

Walking towards me she took a seat on the edge of my bed and squeezed my hand "Don't give up A, it'll happen when you least expect it and besides they'd be fools not to hire you" She kissed my forehead before standing back up "You hungry?"

"Not really. How was work?" I asked.

My mom worked at the local hairdressers as a beauty therapist. Standing at 5 foot 5 and 39 years old my mother was beautiful. She had me when she was young but she never gave up. She basically raised me on her own and I'll be forever grateful that she is my mom. Growing up I wanted for nothing, she provided and gave me everything I needed. She worked hard for the life that we both have.

"Long and tiring my feet are killing me" She winced as she removed her shoes and placed them beside my bed.

I never did understand why she wore heels to work when she was on her feet all day. Flats would be a better option for her. Appearance was everything to my mom, her hair was always done to perfection along with her make-up, especially when she was working.

"Come have a glass of wine with your mom. It's been a long day and I sure as hell need one". I couldn't say no to that.


"I think I need to widen my search" I said taking a sip of my wine.

We were curled up on the sofa with the t. v on and the blankets wrapped around us. Most of the time this was how we spent our nights. I didn't have many friends so there for I didn't have a big socal life.

Taking her eyes of the t. v she glanced at me "What do you mean widen your search?" She asked.

"I mean maybe try different hospitals. I'm not having much luck here. I could maybe apply to some in another-..."

"No Ava" Cutting me off she pushed off the blankets and stood up "You want another glass?". Taking the glass out my hand giving me no time to answer. This conversation wasn't going to go down well.

Was it so bad that I wanted to find my dad. I wanted to find a great hospital to work in and that wasn't going to happen here. I couldn't bring up my dad, I couldn't even mention his name. I didn't argue with my mom ever but it was time I started making my own decision and living my own life. I had done what she wanted, I had made something of my self.


Snapping out of my thoughts I took the glass of wine and waited until she was comfortable. Taking a sip of my wine I glanced at her and noticed she was in a world of her own, trapped in her thoughts. I hated the look she gave me when I tried to ask about him. Did he hurt her that bad?

"How did you get out?" I asked. This question was one that always played on my mind.


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