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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I hadn't moved from my spot. Blaze was long gone and I was still standing where he had left me. Like the little loser that I am I was still playing over in my head what he said to me.

'The names Blaze sweetheart and I'll definitely be seeing you sometime'

Little butterflies erupted in my stomach, a blush spreading across my cheeks. I'm pretty sure he had no idea who I was, in fact I know he didn't. That was probably a line he used on girls all the time and no doubt it worked. Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket again, I took it out seeing I had a new message from my mom along with a dozen missed calls.

'Baby I'm not mad I just need to know that you're alright. Please A, call me or atleast text me back. Please honey I'm going out of my mind x'

Quickly texting her back I put my phone away and got in my car. Running a hand through my hair I started my engine and left the parking lot.

It was nearing 2pm and all I had done for the past couple of hours was drive about. I needed a sleep and I needed to shower, badly.  I knew before I came here what I wanted but now that I was actually here I was wasn't sure. I had been driving around wasting gas because I couldn't bring myself to drive to where I needed to go. My nerves were eating away at me to the point where I felt sick.

Suck it up!! Whats the worst that could happen?

Blowing out a big breath I took off in the direction of my dads club house. It was now or never, I had to do this for me. If I turned up and he wanted nothing to do with me then I would about turn and head home. I've lived a happy life without him before and I could do it again. I wasn't a child anymore, we had no real connection so I knew there wouldn't be any hard feelings if it turned out bad.

Pulling up on the opposite side of the road I glanced up at the club house. It sure as hell didn't make you feel welcomed but then again that was probably the point, to keep outsiders out. Barred wire covered the tops of the 6 foot fence that surrounded the building. Squinting my eyes I noticed the words Devils Due MC imprinted on the top of the building for everyone to see.

No one was around that I could see but that didn't mean there was no one inside. I could always remember as a little girl the club house was always full. Full of bikers, their old ladies and club girls. Sighing I lay my head against my head rest, feeling my eyes get heavy a yawn escaped my mouth.


Jerking awake I glanced around me, when did it get dark. Pulling out my phone from my pocket I cursed when it read 7. 30pm. Looking over at the club house my breath caught in my throat when I noticed Blaze leaning against his bike, cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth and his eyes glued on my car. He knew what I drove, he knew it would be me.

I wanted to look away, I wanted to start my car and get the hell out of there but I couldn't. My heartbeat quickened as I watched him stub out his cigarette and make his way towards me. As he got closer our eyes connected and I pressed my lock button. Yeah he was part of my dads club but he didn't know Franko was my dad and I didn't know what he was capable of.

Rounding my car he came to a stop at my window. I'm pretty sure he would be able to hear how loud my heart was beating. He sure as hell knew how to put the fear in people.

"You a cop little lady?". He didn't seem as friendly as he did at the coffee shop.

He thought I was a cop, I wanted to laugh. Glancing at him I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. Why did I come here.

"Tell me who you are sweetheart". So he liked to use pet names. I could tell he wasn't messing around. "Get out the car, come meet the club". He smirked.

I was not going to do that.

"Darlin' I suggest you get your little ass out here now". His tone was playful, what's the worst that could happen?

Swallowing my fear I unlocked my doors. I barely had time to take off my seatbelt before he had me by the upper arm dragging me out the car. His grip tightened causing a painful cry to escape my mouth.

"You're gonna tell me who you are and you're gonna tell me why you've been sitting out here half the fucking day watching us". He wasn't playing around, his grip on my arm was going to leave a mark.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I bit back my tears. I should never have come here. How did he think handling me this way was okay. Why did I have to unlock my door? I should have drove away the second he approached.

"Fine we'll do it my way".

As he started dragging me across the road my brain started to work and my fear doubled "Wait please". I croaked trying to stop him from dragging me any further. Letting me go I tripped over my own foot landing on the cold hard ground. This was no way to treat anyone. This was a mistake.

Hearing a click I glanced at him, feeling the color drain from my face I swallowed the lump in my throat. He had a gun and it was pointed at my head.

"I ain't got no problem killing a bitch darlin' its not like I haven't done it before. Tell me who the fuck you are and why you've been watching us". His tone caused the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. This man was a killer, he was dangerous.

I was violently shaking. As the tears rolled down my cheeks I didn't dare move to wipe them. He could kill me with one shot, kill me here and now and no one would care. This is what they did, this is the life my mom took us away from.

"A-Ava" I stuttered not being able to take my eyes of the gun.

"I know your fucking name, thats not what I asked". Taking a cigarette from his cut he put it to his lips and lit it up. There was nothing behind his eyes, this man was dead inside. He didn't care.

"Your president Franko is he here?". I croaked.

Hearing my dads name made his head snap up and his eyes lock on mine "What business you got with my prez?". Growling he stormed over to me picking me up by the arm. He started to drag me back across the road and into the parking lot of the club house. "I guess I could keep you here". He smirked.


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