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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

By the time we arrived at the clubhouse it was dark. Ally detoured and took the long way home and to be honest I'm glad she did. The longer it took us to get home the longer it kept me from getting my head chewed off.

"It's really quiet" Ally whispered from beside me as she parked the car.

"It'll be fine" I said trying not to think about the way my stomach was churning. Just then the clubhouse door swung open revealing a very pissed off Blaze who way heading our way.

"I'm so dead" Ally cried hitting the button on the dashboard making the car doors lock automatically.

That definitely wasn't going to help the situation.

"Open the fucking doors" He spat voice like venom as the words rolled of his tongue.

As my hand moved shakily towards the button I pushed it the click letting me know they were no longer locked. I think now maybe I had gone to far I was afraid of him. He's always frightened me a little but I've pushed him to far this time.

Ripping the door almost off its hinges I felt his rough hands pull the seat belt off me. "You" He spat pointing at Ally "Fuck off" Like a puff of smoke she was gone, running off into the clubhouse without a glance backwards.

"Put your hands around my neck" He grunted as he slid his hands under my bum and lifted me from the car.


He didn't speak one word as he carried me throughout the clubhouse but I knew he was pissed. The little grunts and cursing under his breath told me I was in for it.

No one spoke as we passed club members they just stared, my mum and dad not in sight. Kicking his room door closed the bang knocking me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I knew it was coming I just wasn't prepared.

Sitting me on the edge of the bed he started pacing the room the glare he was sporting making my toes curl.

He was pissed alright!!

I don't know how long I sat there or how long he was pacing the room glaring at me but I couldn't take it anymore.

"Blaze"... I started but stopped as soon as he stopped pacing and his eyes met mine. In that very moment I knew why everyone was afraid of him. The way he was looking at me hurt. Never once had he looked at me like I was nothing, like I was a piece of rubbish.

"Why must you make me look like an idiot in front of my brothers?" He spat inching his way closer to me. "Why can't you listen to a bloody thing I say? Do you want to fucking die Ava is that it?" Pulling his gun from the back of his jeans he clicked the safety off.

Taking a sharp in take of air I could feel my bottom lip start to tremble. This wasn't my Blaze this was the biker he had grew up to be, the monster that lurked behind the shadows.

"Answer me" He roared taking a grip of my arm and pulling me to my feet, a cry for help slipping from my mouth.

"You're hurting me" I cried the tears springing to my eyes.

"You're lucky I'm not beating the shit out of you" He hissed throwing the gun onto the bed and wrapping his hand in my hair, pulling it tight. "You may be Frankos daughter but you are my old lady. You're behaviour won't be tolerated much longer darlin' you need to be taught a lesson".

He had lost me

"Once you're branded and you're cut is made you will take what I give you" He snapped twisting his hand tighter around my hair.


Not being able to hold it in any longer the sob fell from my lips. I wasn't weak I didn't want to show him I was weak but what choice did I have when he was acting this way.

"You will learn sweets whether it be the hard way or the easy way rest assure you'll learn to fall in place".

Is this how old lady's are treated? Is this the way it's meant to be? This wasn't Blaze


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