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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Hours had passed and I was still in the spot where he left me. Wasn't quite easy to get up and move around. 4 weeks and I'll hopefully have my hand and leg back.

Shuffling my bum I had somehow managed to manoeuvre myself so my back was rested against the headboard. Not once had he come to check up on me and for some reason it annoyed me. I was pissed that he thought he could speak and treat me the way he did and he can bet his sweet ass that he'll know how pissed I am at him. Hearing the door click had my head snapping up.

Did he lock me in?

Not taking my eyes off him as he entered the room he made a bee line for the bathroom. It was like I wasn't even there. Huffing out loud I tried my best to get comfy which wasn't working out very well. Eyes glued to his as he exited the bathroom I could see the humour dancing in them.

The bastard knew I needed his help

Gritting my teeth my hands balled into fists, I could be a stubborn cow when I wanted to be but I really needed to pee and my ass was numb from sitting so long.

"Need help?" He asked just as I was about to give in and ask.

Nodding my head yes I watched as he dropped the towel from his waist and pulled on a pair of sweat pants. Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth my eyes were glued to his upper body and the ink that covered it.

"Your name will go right here" He said placing his hand over his heart. And we were back to talking about the tattoo. I wasn't getting it, I didn't want it.

"Blaze I don't want-..."

"You're getting it sweetheart, it makes us official in the eyes of my brothers" He grunted cutting me off.

"Why now?" I asked throwing him of slightly. "How come I've never heard of this and why are you only just mentioning it?". He had never said anything about it before and I hadn't heard of anyone talking about it or showing theirs of.

"Had to make sure you were ready, make sure you weren't going to run this time"

Laughing out loud I rolled my eyes "And you think a tattoo is going to stop me from running? Why the hell-..."

"You're getting the fucking tattoo Ava and I don't want to hear anymore about it".

That's what he thinks

Like the stubborn witch I am I sat boring holes into the carpet while he stood at the far end of the room staring at me.

"It's almost 3am do you want me to help you get changed?" He asked making his way towards me.



"Stop being ridiculous" He sighed pulling out one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers. "It's been a long night and you need sleep now arms up". Grunting I gave up and did what he asked.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He smirked patting me on the head.

"Fuck you" I growled turning my head away from him. He had pushed me too far tonight and I was tired of holding my breath and not saying anything enough is enough.


"Don't Ava me" I snapped cutting him off "You've helped me get changed now can you please just leave me alone. I don't want you near me right now".

"Well that's just tough because I'm not going anywhere. You made the decision to come home so now you'll be with me every minute until this is over with. You pulled some dangerous shit tonight Ava and that hasn't gone unnoticed by the club. Now scoot your ass over and let me in". I couldn't be bothered arguing with him anymore.


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