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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Sighing I scraped back my chair and stood up. I wasn't waiting any longer if I did I'd just get angry.

"Are you okay?". Fred asked as he approached me. "Can I get you anything?".

"No thank you Fred I was just leaving" I smiled just as the person in question walked in. Not being able to take my eyes of him I gave him a good once over. He looked good, healthy and he was sporting a well groomed beard.

"I'll leave you to it" Fred winked as he sauntered off.

Why did he wink?

"I'm sorry Ava I had business to attend to and traffic is insane right now. Shall we sit?" He asked unbuttoning his suit jacket.

Taking a seat once again I watched his every move. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" Eyes wondering over the menu he hadn't looked at me once since he came in.

"Why am I here?" I asked wanting to get straight to the point. I had already waited 20 minutes for him.

"I'll get to that now would you like something to eat? Maybe some wine?". He asked his eyes finally connecting with mine.

"No thank you I'm still on pain killers so I can't drink".

Signalling for the waiter to come over he placed  his food ordered. "Fred can you bring over a bottle of wine. Ava would you like anything else?".

Okay now I was starting to get annoyed and I never thought Nate would cause that to happen.

"I'm okay with water"....

"Shame you can't have any it tastes divine" He smiled sipping on his wine.

"Nate...." I sighed

"I brought you here to apologise. I should have been there, I should have been the one by your bedside everyday. Ava you don't know how sorry I am that I wasn't there for you or that I haven't been there for you".

"Nate you don't-...."

"I do" He sighed cutting me off "Please let me finish. There are so many excuses I could tell you right now as to why I didn't but the truth is you didn't need me there not when you had Blaze. I had my head in the clouds thinking we could ever work and I don't mean that in a bad way. I knew from the start your heart belonged to him I guess I thought I could worm my way in but let's face it you're in love with my brother and sweetheart that's okay".

Oh my.... I wasn't expecting that.

"I can't speak on behalf of him Ava but I hope to god he knows how lucky he is to have someone like you by his side. You're good for him, I can already see that you make him a better person".

"I really did like you Nate" I whispered aware of the lump that had appeared in the back of my throat. "But I love him".

"I know you do" He smiled leaning his hand over the table and laying it on top of mine. "Just know that I have all the time in the world for you Ava and regardless of my relationship with my brother I'll always have his back. Anytime you need something or you're in trouble don't hesitate to pick up the phone. I still hope we can be friends".

My head was all over the place. I wasn't expecting any of that and I had no idea how to respond. I still wanted Nate to be in my life, he was a good guy and regardless of anything he was one hell of a friend.

"I would like that" I smiled feeling my phone vibrate from inside my pocket. Pulling it out Blazes name was flashing on the screen.

"He never was patient" Nate chuckled as I pushed my seat back and stood up. "Tell me about it" I grinned silencing my phone once again. "I have to go".

Getting to his feet he pulled me in for a hug which I gladly accepted. "Don't be a stranger Ava and remember I will be expecting an invite to the wedding".

Laughing I pulled back "That better have been a joke. I'll see you soon Nate and thank you, thank you for just being you".

Making my way out of the bar I clocked sight of Blaze leaning against the bumper smoking a cigarette. Walking towards him he pushed himself off and matched my movements. Once he was reachable I circled my arms around his waist and lay my head against his chest. Feeling his arms circle my waist and rest on my lower back I sighed.

"Babe you okay?" He asked


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