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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110


"What did you just say?" My dad asked his footsteps the only thing you could here as he stomped towards me.

"That cop that was asking us about Mr Roberts by the way who the hell is that?" I asked going off topic.

"Cage" My dad growled "Little pricks about to have a date with the end of my barrel. Now tell me how you know he's dirty?".

"Where's mom?" I couldn't see her and she was always stuck to my dads hip. Wasn't like her not to be here.

"Ava focus" My dad snapped clicking his fingers in front of my face.


"He told me" I shrugged attempting to walk to the bar for a drink, of course that didn't happen.

"Gotta do better than that sweetheart. Now tell me word for word before I lose my shit".....

Yeah my dad was a scary man when he needed to be.

"He said Marko sent him because you needed an in he said he'll be in touch. Now can I go get a drink?" I asked sweetly

"I call bullshit" Jared piped up

"Well no one asked you did they?" I said not actually meaning for it to come out. This is why I need to think before I speak.

"Ava" My dad roared causing me to wince. What? I wasn't exactly Jared's biggest fan. Rolling my eyes I finally made my way to the bar. I had been craving cola all day.

"Get her to whined her neck in Blaze"...

Turning my head round quickly my eyes fell into slits when I noticed Jared smirking at me. God I would love to wipe that smirk off his face. Just as I was about to give him a smart ass reply the look on Blazes face told me I wouldn't like the outcome if I did.

"Ears to the ground I need to know if this fucker is who he says he is. Im away to call Marko. I want the rest of you to find out more and I still want you riding in twos and carrying at all times. This shit is still hot we have to be careful. Now fuck off and do some work".

"How come you aren't fucking off and doing some work?" I grinned as he sat on the stool beside me.

"VP darlin' but you're right I should be doing something. You said we had one more thing to do when we got back what was it?" He asked pulling out a smoke.

"I'll tell you tonight when you come back" I didn't need to tell him I was ready for him to tattoo me. I had no idea how ready I was for the pain but I knew it was the right time.

"Will I like it?" He smirked his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip.

Sweet Jesus....

"You'll love it" I winked my smirk now matching his. I loved the playfulness we had and I know I've said it before but it felt good not to be at each other's throats.

"Tease" He whispered leaning in and placing his lips against mine. I had no idea how much I was into it until I heard someone clear their throat.


"Hey Tommy" I smiled very aware that my cheeks were on fire right now.

"Hey kid sorry to interrupt but I gotta steal your man for a few"....

"Say what you gotta say in front of her". Blaze piped up cutting him off.

Club business was club business and that meant that I usually got to know nothing so for him to say that it kinda caught me off guard.

Catching Tommy's smirk I watched as he slapped Blaze on the back and pulled him in for a man hug "Fucking finally it's about time too. Glad to see you finally manned the fuck up and claimed what is yours now when are you making it official?".

"Still sitting here" I waved really not in the mood to discuss my personal life with a guy that's knew me since I was in diapers.

"Sorry darlin'." Tommy chuckled "Prez wants you to stay here with Ava. Everyone else is already left, me and Franko are heading up to see Marko".

"Where's my mom?" I asked again really not liking that she wasn't here.



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