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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111

As much as I got embarrassed talking about sex I loved that he was so confident about it and how he was so good at it.

"You should because now I know you're thinking about it and I bet if I slipped my fingers in you'd be soaking wet".

"Blaze" I whispered looking around myself making sure no one heard him. He wasn't exactly being quiet.

"I love how those little cheeks blush it's fucking adorable now tell me" He chuckled placing his hand over mine.

"I want you to tattoo me" I smiled "I know how important it is for you and I know I was against it but I'm ready for it now. I want everyone in here to know that I'm your old lady even though they probably already know I want to make it official".

"Babe are you being serious right now?" He asked getting to his feet.

"Deadly serious" I grinned as he picked me up in his arms. Laughing at the way he was acting he burst through his bedroom door and sat me on the bed.

"You have no idea how much this means to me Ava. I know that we've been through a lot and most of that has been shit because of me but baby this is it. You're my girl, my old lady, you'll be the mother of my kids. It's forever sweets and you best believe you ain't getting rid of me now". Placing his lips on mine he grabbed a hold of my face in both hands "I love you darlin' I always fucking have".

I wasn't sure how sore it was going to be. This was my first tattoo so I had no experience with them but surely they can't be that painful right?

"I know that look babe and trust me it'll be over before you even find it painful. It's only a little B. Now have you decided where you want it?" He asked as he began to bring out his equipment.

"Where do they usually go?" I asked having no idea whatsoever where I wanted it.

Chuckling he shook his head and placed his tattoo gun on a sterile tray. "It can go anywhere you want it to go. Back in the day old lady's usually got it across their lower back".

Like a tramp stamp?!

"And by the look on your face I'm guessing that ain't going to happen?. Listen baby you're only getting my initial so it would be best to have it somewhere it isn't going to look stupid".

"What if I want your full name?" I asked watching his eyes light up. Yeah I kinda thought I may as well go all out and get the full thing. "But I have one condition" I didn't know how he was going to react to this.

"Name it" He grinned

"If I get your full name I get it as Sean not Blaze" And just as I expected the smile vanished from his face his lips thinning into a hard line.

"Babe you know how much this means to me but I can't tattoo that onto your body. I'll take the small B over that any day".

He had a point. He wasn't known as Sean, to everyone he was Blaze and why should I make him put something on me that would technically mean nothing.

"You're right" I smiled "I think I have the perfect place for that little B to go".

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I get that you wanted my real name but sweets 'Blaze' is really all I've ever been called". He had everything set up down to the black sterile gloves on his hands.

"Yes I'm fine with it. Now about where I want to put it" I grinned

"And where's that?" He asked his lips pulling up into a smirk. Holy shit I couldn't wait for these casts to come off. Fair to say little shy Ava was getting frustrated.

"Right here" I whispered holding up my left hand and pointing to my ring finger.

"Perfect, now get that little ass over here so I can officially make you mine".


"Like it?" He asked placing his tattoo gun down and removing his gloves.

I couldn't stop staring at it. Yes it was only a letter and it was small but it was perfect.


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