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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115

"The beach?" I grinned when the car came to a stop. I hadn't been to the beach in forever, I don't know what it was but being near the water and feeling the sad between my toes always made me feel better.

"Good place to relax" He said unbuckling his seat belt and getting out. Following suit I couldn't help but smile when I noticed the picnic basket and the blanket under his arm.

"Blaze" I whispered my teeth sinking into my bottom lip.

"Don't get all cute and shit you were fed up and I thought this would help".

"I love you even more for all the cute little things you do" I whispered slipping my hand into his. "But you're still my sexy ass hot headed bad boy biker".

"And don't you forget it" He growled slapping my ass as we began to walk.

As he lay the blanket on the sand I stopped for a minute just to take in the beauty of what was in front of me. I loved the sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs but also how peaceful and quiet it was and how relaxed it was making me feel.

"Thought you'd like this spot better, it's secluded so you can get naked if you want".

Feeling my mouth fall a jar I was about to respond when he started to chuckle. "I don't need to take you to a beach to get you naked" He whispered circling his arms around my waist and gently pulling me to him. "But I do think it would be pretty sexy to see". Nibbling on my neck my head fell against his shoulder.

If ever there was a time I was hating being injured now was it. Closing my eyes I enjoyed the way his lips were sucking on my neck and how every so often he would scrap my skin with his teeth.

Sweet Jesus I wanted him.....

"Blaze" I whispered turning my body so I could face him.

"I know babe I shouldn't be teasing you but fuck Ava it's getting hard" He sighed placing his forehead against mine.

I hated it, I hated that I didn't feel comfortable enough to have sex with my boyfriend.

"What are you thinking?" He asked my eyes opening so I could look at him.

"All I can think about is you. The way you make me feel, the way you make my body feel. The way my heart flips out when you think I don't notice you staring at me. Every little thing you do makes me fall for you that little bit more. Everything that happened in the past has made us come out stronger. God thinking about everything that I put you through....-"

"Stop right there" He growled taking a hold of my chin. "We both fucked up in some way Ava but baby I fucked up the most. I hate myself for what I did to you and how I treated you. To this day I still don't know why you gave me that chance. When the accident happened I thought about giving up" He sighed letting go of my chin and putting some space between us.

"I thought about leaving, going nomad and only checking in when I needed too. I thought you'd have been better off without me in your life and how much easier it would be without me around".

"You thought about leaving me?" I asked not liking the pain that appeared in my chest.

"I did babe I thought it would have been better but I couldn't go through with it. I thought of my life without you in it and it drove me crazy. I would rather be in your life with you hating me than be on the other side of the world and not seeing you everyday".

"Blaze" I whispered

"Everything happens for a reason darlin' I'm just glad you gave me this chance to prove I am good enough for you. I may not be the smartest or have a lot of money but trust me when I say I'll make sure you have the best life.... No baby you aren't meant to cry".

"I'm- I'm sorry I can't help it" I stuttered hating that my emotions were getting the better of me. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it.

"Come here" He whispered pulling me against his chest. Pulling back I watched his hand come up so it could wipe away my tears. Grabbing a hold of it I placed a kiss on top of his knuckles.

"Take me home and make love to me".....

I couldn't wait any longer.

Screw that I still had my casts on I'm sure Blaze won't mind doing all the work.


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