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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Moving his head he rested it on top of my shoulder. "I fucking hate your dad at times". He wasn't the only one.

"Got it prez" Blaze yelled as he took a seat beside me.

"Why are you out here anyway? The party's inside" My dad grinned as he strode towards us. If he was out here where was my mom?

"Fresh air now why are you out here?" I asked  still curious as to where my mom was. They two were inseparable these days and it kinda made me sick a little. Even though what happened was in the past and don't get me wrong I was happy she was happy but I still had a little bit of hatred for my dad.

"She's safe darling always will be when she's with me" He smirked pulling out a cigarette.

How did he know that's what I was thinking?

"Why are you all out here? It's freezing" Ah there she was. Strolling out the clubhouse dressed to perfection as always. My mom had never lost the touch, she was beautiful she is beautiful and you wouldn't think she'd just had Leighton. Wrapping her hands around my dads waist he lifted his arm tucking her protectively into his side.

"Apparently they're out here for fresh air" My dad grinned. There was no apparently to it, that's exactly what we were out here for.

"We're just going back-....."

"When are you giving me grand babies" My dad asked causing me to choke on my own saliva. Two minutes ago he was going to put a bullet in Blazes leg for kissing me.

"Franko" my mom hissed "Leave her alone and get your ass back inside. I have something for you" She smirked

"Do you?" He asked his hand sliding from her shoulder to her bum as he pulled her in for a kiss.

Okay that's enough of that...

"And that's my queue to leave. Seriously you two are worse than teenagers" I huffed as I got off the truck. "Please take me away from that" I grimaced making a sicky face.

Chuckling he slug his arm over my shoulder "Wanna go for a ride?" That sounded so good right now but I wasn't risking it when he had been drinking.

"Or we could get someone to take us to my dads house?" I said reaching up so I could peck his lips "Means we'd be alone" I whispered not sure if I was initiating sex or not.

"Best thing you've said all night" He growled rushing us back inside the clubhouse.

"You" Blaze pointed to the new guy behind the bar. "You drive?" He asked.

"Y-yes" He stuttered dropping the glass he had in his hand. Surely Blaze didn't have that effect on everyone he met? He wasn't that intimidating.

"Start fucking moving then we need a lift" He growled taking a hold of my hand and leading me back outside.

"Blaze" I hissed tugging on his hand "There's no need to be rude he's already terrified of you".

"Good" He smirked as the new guy pulled up in front of us.


"I don't like that kid"

Rolling my eyes I put the key in the lock and opened the door to my dads house. "You don't even know him how can you not like him?" I asked making my way into the living room.


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