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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121

"Can't I have you to myself just until morning?" He whispered

"I'm not going anywhere" I smiled "But I need to know you're okay. And I need to let my dad and the rest of the guys know you're awake. They'll kick my ass for not phoning them already".

"Screw the club" he grunted just as the doctor walked in.

Screw the club?! What?

"Ah Mr Thomas it's nice to see you're finally awake" Janie the nightshift doctor smiled as she came closer. "Ava lovely to see you as always. Can you step down a moment please?".

Getting of the bed I stood by him and let Janie check him over. "As you were shot several times Mr Thomas I still want to run some tests and keep you on observations. Do you have any pain? Any numbness? Can you feel this?" She asked as she pinched his foot.

"I can feel it doc"

"Great well hang tight and I'll see you in a few hours" Taking his file she gave me a nod before leaving the room.

"Can I call my dad now and let him know you're awake?".

"Told you I want you all to myself until morning. Screw your dad and the club, now get your ass up here".

Rolling my eyes I made my way to him and climbed up onto the bed. Curling myself into his side I lay my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Moving his arm his hand lay against my hip bone.

"Tell me something" He asked his fingers moving over my hip bone continuously.

"Hm?" I replied feeling the most content I've felt in months.

"When was the last time you fucking ate?"

And here we go.....

"Blaze I'm fine" I had Jared at me for the same thing and now he's at it. He's just woke up after being unconscious for months and all he's worried about is my weight.


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