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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Hours we lay in silence just being in each others arms. Nothing needed to be said, he was here and he was awake that's all that mattered.

"I was scared" I whispered the hand he was stroking my hair with stopped. "I thought I was going to lose you".

"I know baby" Kissing the top of my head he squeezed me tighter against him. "But you didn't I'm here and I'm not going anywhere".

"I struggled so much without you Blaze. I honestly never thought I'd feel that way but when that night happened I thought you were dead". I knew I was already crying, every time I thought about that night I cried. "I never realised how much I love you, how much I am in love with you until I thought I had lost you".

"Baby please don't cry"....

"I don't mean too" I cried sitting up so I could wipe my eyes. "I missed you so much".

"I missed you too darlin' now come here I want to hold you".

Was he really awake? I was afraid to open my eyes in case it was all a dream. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, his arm around my waist resting against my stomach yet I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. If this was a dream I didn't want to wake up I didn't want it to end.

Laying my hand on top of his I squeezed gently hoping he'd squeeze back.....


Feeling my stomach drop I gently moved his arm from around my waist and sat up. Swallowing the lump in my throat I turned to look at him being met with a cocky smirk.....

Thank god...

"Morning baby"

"Hi" I grinned moving closer so I could kiss him. Placing my lips against his I squealed when he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

"Blaze be careful incase you hurt yourself" I scalded causing him to slap my bum and pull me in for another kiss.

"I'll never get used to how good that feels" He grinned moving the loose strands of hair out my face.

"I'm serious be careful please" I didn't want him doing anything that could cause him to get hurt. He was acting as if nothing had happened.

"Unfucking-touchable" he grinned just as the door opened.

"I've got coffee and a donut and you're bloody eating it so I don't get my ass....."

"You looking after my girl Jared?"Blaze asked cutting him off and almost making him snap his neck with how fast he looked at us.

Grinning at him I watched as he looked from myself to Blaze and then back again. "Thank fuck you're awake. She's a nightmare" He huffed handing me my coffee and donut before taking a seat.

I'm a nightmare?! Rude!!

Sticking my tongue out at him I took a sip of my coffee. My relationship with Jared had grew so much over the last few months. He was like my brother.


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