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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Pulling into the driveway I noticed him sitting on the porch a smoke in one hand and no doubt coffee in the other.

"You making me breakfast?" He smirked walking towards me.

"Only when we're married now get the bags I need to pee" Standing on my tip toes I kissed his cheek before running inside.

"That can be soon" I heard him call after me.

"So how come you couldn't sleep?" He asked as I entered the kitchen. Shrugging my shoulders I began to empty the shopping and put it away. "You just going to watch or are you going to help?" I asked reaching up so I could put the cereal away.

"Enjoying the view" His arms wrapped around my waist as he  pulled me against him "You're sexy" He whispered his teeth grazing my neck. "Fucking beautiful" This time it was his tongue "Fucking mine" He spun me around lifting me into his arms my legs going around his waist.

"So fucking beautiful" I could feel his breath against my lips. Placing my hands on his shoulders I stroked his cheek with my thumb. "You're still helping me put this away" I grinned when a groan fell from his lips.

Placing me back on my feet he smacked my ass as I turned away from him. "How about you put it away and I'll make coffee?" He suggested.

Rolling my eyes I passed him 2 cups "Don't make it like tar I actually like milk in mine". Blaze thought coffee should only be served black.

"Nothing wrong with my coffee" He frowned as I contined to put the shopping away.

I was in two minds whether to tell him I bumped into Nate. I knew he'd be pissed if I told him but I knew he'd be worse if I kept it from him.

"Here" He handed me my cup "A cup of tar for you" He smirked bringing his own to his lips.

"Just face it babe you suck at making coffee" Bringing it to my lips I took a sip instantly regretting it. Spitting it back into the cup my eyes landed on him, of course he was glaring. Biting my lip I couldn't stop my laughter.

"Guess we'll leave the coffee making to me too". Emptying the rest of it down the sink a squeal fell from my lips as he lifted me off the ground.

"Blaze put me down" I giggled as he ran up the stairs and into our bedroom. Throwing me onto the bed he was on top of me before I could blink. Straddling my waist he had my arms pinned above my head smirking at me.

I don't know how long we both stayed silent for but I couldn't brake the stare. I knew I had to tell him about Nate but I didn't want to ruin the mood.

"How'd I get so lucky?" He whispered bending his head so he could kiss me. "You deserve so much better than me sweetheart".

I didn't like when he spoke like this.

"You saying you don't want me?" I smirked

"Fuck no" He growled capturing my lips with his "I just like to remind you that you deserve better".

"Dont" I whispered. I hated that he thought he wasn't good enough for me. Grabbing a hold of his arms I pulled myself up and pushed him back so I was now straddling him. Pinning his arms above his head I leaned closer so our noses were touching.

"I love you Blaze all of you" Kissing his nose I rolled off of him and lay by his side. Lazily throwing his arm over my waist he pulled me closer.

"I'm still a lucky bastard" He chuckled his fingers making little circles around my hip bone.

"I bumped into Nate at the supermarket" I whispered feeling his body stiffen beside me.

"What did he want?" He grit out through clenched teeth. I knew it was a bad idea to tell him but I had too. I didn't want to keep anything from him. Shrugging my shoulders his arm slipped from my waist. "Well what did he say?".

"He still really cares about you".


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