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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133

I wish they had killed me. I must have passed out after they... I couldn't bring my self to say it. Feeling it rise up my throat I vomited not caring that it was all over me. Wiping at my mouth a sob broke past my lips as I looked around myself. I had no idea where I was. Lying on the floor in my own blood and vomit I tried to pick myself up but couldn't.

Pain was all I felt...

My body broken, numb.

Taking a deep breath I pushed myself to my knees a strangled cry slipping past my lips. With shaky hands I pulled up my jeans and managed to get to my feet. Looking around the room relief hit me when I noticed my phone a few feet from where I stood. Wiping the silent tears that rolled down my cheeks I picked it up. The screen was badly cracked but I prayed it would turn on. I had to get out of here in case they came back.

My head was thumping, my full body in agony but I knew I had to find a way out. With the help of the wall I pushed myself along it my eyes searching everything in sight. Finally finding a door I pushed on it falling out into an alley way...

It was dark, light rain pouring from the sky. How long did they keep me? Looking around I got up with the help of a dumpster. Searching for anything that would tell me where I was I held my phone tight. Walking as best I could I made it to the end of the alley way, keeping myself hiding I looked around my heart hammering in my chest when my eyes landed on the one person that could help me.


He was standing outside a bar some girl glued to his side laughing with a few guys. MC guys I didn't care anymore, I needed help and he was the only that could help me. Creeping out I held one hand against my leg my other hand in front of me so I could hold onto anything to help me get to him. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was the only hope I had of getting out of this nightmare.

As if he could sense someone staring he finally locked eyes with me all humor wiped from his face. A cry fell from my lips, a sign of relief when he noticed it was me. Not having the energy to walk any further I dropped to my knees. My eyes closing, giving up.

A scream fell from my lips as more pain cursed through my body. He had lifted me into his arms, cradling me to his chest.

"Get the fucking truck. Ava, Ava hey stay with me."

"Duke put her back where you-..."

"She's Frankos daughter" I heard Duke growl "Now get the fucking truck I need to call Blaze".

"No please no don't call him" I cried as I heard the screeching of tires. "Please Duke I- he'll" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Fuck" He roared placing me into the back of the truck, sliding in beside me my head fell against his shoulder.

"Jared" I whispered "Get Jared".

I was slumped against Dukes side, nobody spoke a word. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared at the nightlife we passed. I had no idea where we were going but I couldn't go home, couldn't go to the clubhouse.

"We need to take you to the hospital" He said breaking the silence.

"No" I whispered

"Ava you're bleeding we-.."

"I said no" Cutting him off I manovered myself so I was leaning against the window.

Hearing vibrations Duke cursed before bringing the phone to his ear. Hearing his voice on the other end made fresh tears fall.

"How would I have seen her? She hates my guts" Duke shook his head as he pinched his nose "If I hear anything I'll let you know".

"Thank you" I croaked wiping at my eyes. Feeling the car start to slow down I panicked as we pulled into a drive way.

"Sasha" Was all he said as he got out. Following suit I grit my teeth as I pushed myself out.


Nobody knew what to say in front of me. The silence was deafening and the awkwardness was killing me. Duke hadn't taken his eyes of me since we got here. Sasha burst out crying as soon as she saw. She tried to talk to me, comfort me even but I couldn't take anything in. I didn't feel anything, didn't want to feel anything didn't want to talk.

Hearing the roar of a bike Duke got to his feet and started pacing the living room. I prayed that he was alone. Blaze couldn't see me like this, he couldn't know what happened.


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