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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136

I never expected to find my way back here especially after the circumstances last time. The cabin was secluded, no one would have the slightest idea that I would come here. I needed time to think and be on my own and this was the place to do it.

Parking up I made sure I took my phone with me. Lifting the plant pot by the door I took the spare key and opened the door. It wasn't paradise but it was perfect and it was safe. Locking the door I took a deep breath before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a beer. Taking the blanket off the couch I wrapped it around my shoulders. Taking a seat on the porch bench that over looked the lake I stared out into nothing. I had started to do the one thing I promised I wouldn't. I was shutting him out, I was shutting everyone out.

How do I get past it when I can't even say out loud what happened? I can't admit what they had done. I no longer felt like me. A part of me felt like it had been ripped away. I could feel myself fading away, that bubbly, sweet girl that I used to be no longer here.

I was broken inside.

Bringing the beer bottle to my lips I took a sip and turned on my phone. It had been a few hours since I spoke with him and I knew he'd be going out of his mind.

Had he told my dad without me?

Text after text came through. All from Blaze and a few from Jared. I love him I've never loved anyone but him but I didn't know if after all of this I could be with him. I didn't know if I could ever let him touch me again intimately. The thought of being touched again made me sick.

My phone started vibrating in my hand but the name flashing across my screen made my stomach drop. My dad was calling and I didn't want to answer.

Sliding my finger across the screen I put it on loud speaker afraid of what he was going to say. I could already feel the tears welling in my eyes.

"Ava darling you there?"

Instantly fat tears rolled down my cheeks and I tried desperately not to cry out loud.

"Ava? Please talk to me darling. Please tell me you're safe?"

Franko Mendez doesn't get upset, he doesn't cry but I knew my dad was crying on the other end of the phone.

"I'm safe" I whispered rubbing my cheeks with the sleeve of my jumper. " I'm okay". I wasn't okay I was far from okay.

"You're not though are you sweetheart? I'm your dad Ava I know you're not okay. Please tell me where you are, let me come get you".

"I-I can't" I stuttered "I need time dad please don't make me come back there".

I could here my mom's sobs in the background, they knew what had happened. Maybe not the full story but they knew.

"Whatever you need Ava but at least let me come see you. I won't force you to come back I just need to see my girl". He cried.

A sob escaped past my lips at the thought of my parents crying. My mom yes but my dad, my dad was the toughest, meanest guy I knew. Some said he didn't have a heart, that he didn't have feelings.

"I need time" I ended the call and turned my phone off.

I burst into tears. I had never been this emotional. All I wanted to do was cry.

I was physically and emotionally drained. After taking a shower and changing into a pair of pjs that I had left there I hunted for some painkillers. My head was bursting, my body hurt and I was exhausted. Chasing them down with some water I flicked the kettle on knowing I'd have to settle for black coffee.

Once settled on the couch with my coffee and blanket wrapped around my shoulders I tried my best not to think about everything that had happened. I badly wanted to sleep but resisted because of the nightmares that came when I did. Nobody knew where I was, I knew I was safe here but I also knew I couldn't hide away forever.

Finally turning my phone back on I looked through the messages I had received. Deep down I knew I had to tell him where I was. Pushing him away wasn't going to fix anything I needed to trust that he loved me enough to help me through this. To stand with me even when all I wanted was to crumble. I wasn't quite ready to leave this place just yet but I at least had to let him know I was safe. Opening up a new message I stared at the blank screen for god knows how long.

I'm safe and please don't be angry with me. A x

After hitting the send button I waited anxiously for him to reply. It would surprise me if he wasn't pissed off. Blaze was hot headed, didn't know how to control his temper and me running out on him would probably have tipped him over the edge. Frowning I checked the message I had sent again just to see if it had sent. It wasn't like Blaze not to reply. Bringing up another blanket message I sent this one to Jared.


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