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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Closing my eyes I was sick of being emotional. What could he do to make it better? Absolutely nothing.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away I didn't mean too I just wish I could turn back time but I can't so I have to suck it up and deal with it". Opening my eyes I dried my cheeks. Reaching over the bar I grabbed the bottle he was drinking from.

"Yeah I don't think that's a good idea" Taking the bottle from my hands he moved it further along the bar. "We're going to deal with this together Ava but not with a bottle. That's not going to help or make you feel any better. Let's get you home".

I guess he was right. Drinking would only numb the pain for so long and leave me with a raging hangover.

"Okay" I whispered slipping my hand into his.


"Seriously you don't have to carry me" I chuckled as we walked up the drive way. He insisted and wouldn't let me out the car any other way.

"I don't have to but I want to. Reach into my pocket and pull out my keys". Doing as I was told I put the key in the door opening it. Placing me on the couch he kissed my forehead "Stay there I'm going to run you a bath". Watching him lock the door and pull the deadbolt across I relaxed into the couch resting my eyes.

Sitting here in this very moment was the most relaxed I've felt in the last 24 hours. I could hear him moving around upstairs, could here the bath water running. He was here and I was safe. No one could get me, nothing could hurt me. Hearing his heavy boots coming down the stairs I peeled my eyes open giving him a small smile.

"Baths almost ready go get yourself sorted I'll be up in a minute" Helping me to my feet he pecked my nose before I left. Reaching the bathroom I noticed he had lit a few candles and placed them around the tub. The lights were dimmed low and my iPod was playing softly in the background. He was trying to help me relax, to make me feel better and I did a little but as soon as I take my clothes off and see that horrible scar everything will hit me again.

I can do this.

Pulling the hoodie over my head I tossed it to the floor my trousers following suit. Glancing at my face in the mirror I touched my busted lip and hissed. The swelling had went down so my face as a whole didn't look so bad. I hadn't closed the door fully I needed him to know that I wasn't trying to shut him out and that I was trying as much as I could.

Didn't mean I wanted him to see me like this. To see those words carved into my thigh....

Turning off the taps I tested the water by dipping my toe in first. I knew as soon as I stepped in my skin would tingle and burn just the way I like it. Once I was settled I lay back shutting my eyes. Lewis Capaldi - Mercy playing softly in the background.

"Ava?" He called out popping his head around the door frame. Smiling at me he held up two mugs "Don't worry it's hot chocolate". Handing it to me I grinned at him.

"Hopefully better than your mug of tar" I teased taking a sip. He may not be able to make coffee but he sure as hell knew how to make a hot chocolate. "Its yummy" Taking another sip I placed the cup on the floor letting it cool down.

"Should be it's laced with bourbon" He smirked taking a seat on the floor by the tub. "My speciality" He winked sipping on his own.

"A big bad biker that makes a mean cup of coco" I grinned laying back against the tub.

"Don't tell the guys I'll never live it down" Making a face at me I chuckled. I loved the easy banter we always had together. He made it easier.

"Your secrets safe with me" I whispered closing my eyes and letting my body relax. We grew silent but it wasn't awkward. He sat on the floor patiently waiting until I was ready.

"You don't have to stay with me" I said opening my eyes. He was staring at me, his eyes held so much emotion it made my heart hurt. "Blaze?" I questioned sitting up. Rubbing his eyes he moved forward leaning on his knees. "Blaze what's wrong?" I asked my voice panicked.

"Nothings wrong darling. Here drink this before it gets cold" Handing me my mug he got to his feet. "I'm going to make some food let me know if you need help getting out".

For the first time since yesterday I noticed how tired he looked. The dark circles under his eyes and not to mention he was still in the same clothes. Deciding not to push anything I let him leave.


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