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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18

As he slammed on the brakes a scream tore through my lips as my body jerked forwards. "What the hell are you doing?" I roared trying to calm my racing heartbeat "Are you trying to kill me?".

"You have no idea sweetheart. No fucking idea. Your dad was not the same man for years after you and your mom left. He.."

"How would you know?" I snapped cutting him off "Have a heart to heart? Share your feelings?".

"Mouthy little witch. Now how about you give your old man a break. He ain't all that bad" He said pulling back onto the road.

Huffing I folded my arms over my chest "I'm hungry" I said deciding to change the subject.

"We ain't stopping Ava so you'll just have to be hungry".


"Do any of you guys ever sleep" I asked as we pulled up to the clubhouse 2 days later. Two long days later. It was almost 1 in the morning and the clubhouse was in full swing.

"You coming?" He asked completely ignoring my question.

Sighing I undid my seat beat and got out. Stretching my legs I moaned in delight as my bones cracked.

Holding out his hand for me I gave him a questioning look "Do you want my dad to put a bullet in your head?" slapping his hand away I walked infront of him and towards the door.

"Never did save me that dance darlin'".

Stopping at the door I smiled at Cage "I guess I forgot" I winked as I pushed the door open and made my way inside.

Bodies were everywhere but I couldn't see my mom or my dad. Heading over to the bar I noticed that girl from all those years back lounging over one of the members. Once a whore always a whore.

"Well look who's back, little miss slutty pants" Came her annoying squeaky voice. Seriously what does this chick have against me?

Bitting the inside of my lip I tried my hardest to ignore her and instead glanced around for my mom.

"Awww look at you sitting there all lonely" she laughed "Probably best you just leave. You don't belong here sweetheart".

Feeling my top lip pull back into a silent snarl I clenched my fist. Just as I was about to snap an arm was thrown over my shoulder.

"Leave it she's not worth it" Blaze whispered his breath against my ear causing a chill to run down my spine.

Turning so I could look at him I folded my arms across my chest and raised my eyebrow. None of us spoke but the silent argument was there. I wanted to punch that girl in the face and considering I'm not a violent person Blaze must be rubbing of on me.

"Whatever" I said smiling sweetly at him. Moving away from her I walked to the other end of the bar and slipped in. If this was the only way to get a drink then so be it.

Feeling the eyes on my back I shook it off and headed for the straight vodka. I wasn't a drinker but I think this was the time for it. Finding a shot glass I sat it down and filled it up. Lifting the glass to my lip I took it in one shot. Feeling the burn as it slipped down my throat I screwed my face up. No wonder I don't drink.

"What gives you the right to be behind there?" Came that annoying squeaky voice that I love. Not!

Slamming the shot glass on the bar I took a deep breath and looked at her. Watching her smirk made me watch to jump the bar and deck her. How has she not been killed yet for how annoying she is?

"She's my fucking daughter she can go wherever the fuck she wants. You got a fucking problem with that?" Came the roaring voice of my dad.

Feeling the smirk play on my lips I watched the color drain from her face. She was here the first time I was surely she knows who my dad is?

"Get Blaze to take you to my house. Your mom's still here but she's in bed. Come by tomorrow sweetheart, we have a lot to talk about".

Not giving me a chance to reply he turned on his heel and went back the way he came, back to my mom.


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