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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19

"So she's been with everyone?" I asked clipping in my seat belt. What I wanted to say was has she ever been with you.

Bringing my car to life he drove of down the street heading towards my dad's house. "Everyone with a dick" He chuckled causing a disgusted look to appear on my face. Thank god for it being dark outside.

"Don't give me that look sweetheart. I've never been there. Wouldn't touch her if she was the last piece of ass on this planet. Why have a hamburger when I've got a fine piece of steak sitting right next to me".

Feeling my cheeks heat up I turned and looked out the window. Hearing him chuckle only made me blush more. "Is it far?" I asked not having a clue where we were.

"Not be long darlin".

"Of course he has a house like this" I huffed staring at the mansion infront of me. "What a beautiful house" I said looking at it in awe. "Great to know he was living comfortable when me and my mom weren't around".

"Don't be bitter Ava just get your ass in the damn house".

"Not being bitter Blaze just being real. I mean look at the size of the damn thing. Did he-.."

"That's what all the girls say" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows at me as he cut me off.

"Pervert" Sticking my tongue out at him I pulled my suitcase behind me and headed up the front steps. "Thanks for bringing me here you can leave now" I smiled putting my hand on the door only to find it locked.

"Think you need these sweetheart you ain't getting rid of me that easily".

Turning round I seen the smirk "I wasn't trying to get rid of you just thought you'd want to get back to the party" I said as he started walking towards me.

"Let's get one thing straight" He said pulling me towards him "When I'm with the club I'll be with the club and when I'm with you I'll be with you."

"What does that even mean?" I asked pulling away from him slightly. "You know what forget it. You go back to your club Blaze. Go pick up a girl, have some fun. I'm sure being stuck with me for this long has been no fun and let's face it you must be gagging for it. I'll see you when I see you" I said snatching the keys from his hand.

This was the right thing to do. Why hang around with me when he knows I won't put out that easily. It's for the best anyway, my dad would kill him if he ever found out. Feelings aside he needed to be focused on the club or my dad would know something was up.

"You don't get it do you Ava? You are mine and baby that ain't ever going to change. I'll wait until my balls turn blue if I have to and your dad doesn't have to know but you have another thing coming if you think you can just brush me off again. I waited so long the last time and then another year. I ain't going anywhere" He growled

Swallowing I looked at him from underneath my eyelashes. What do I say to that? He just put it all on the table. "I'm not sure what I want" I whispered just as his cell phone began to ring.

Deciding to let him get on with his phone call I put the key in the door and turned the lock. Stepping inside my mouth dropped. Holy shitballs I have never seen a house like this apart from on the t. v.

I guess being a criminal ain't all that bad. The full bottom half was all open plan. High cellings, a spiral staircase heck he even had a wine rack. This does not look like my dad's house at all. Walking in further I ran my hand along the corner couch. Glancing around my breath caught in my throat when I noticed the picture hanging above the fireplace. My mom and I when I was about 3 years old.


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