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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror I smoothed out my pencil skirt making sure my blouse wasn't hanging out anywhere. Slipping on my black wedged heels I glanced at my watch to see it had just gone past 8am. I didn't have to be at the hospital until 9. 30 so I still had time to prepare myself. Today was my induction where I get to meet my team, have a look around and see what I was working with. I won't officially start until tomorrow. Grabbing my suit jacket and my bag I made my way downstairs. I needed coffee and if I'm quite honest a cigarette would go down nicely right now.

"Woot woo"

Stopping on the stairs my eyes connected with Tommys "What are you doing here?" I asked continuing my way down and through to the kitchen. Now all I had to do was figure out where the old man keeps his coffee.

"Figured you'd need this" He said passing me a take away cup "Prez doesn't have anything in yet. Been to busy with your mom and the preg-.. here I better-"

"The what?" I asked cutting him off "What did you just say?".

"Ava listen I-.."

"Please don't tell me my mom is pregnant" I sighed taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"I thought you knew darlin' or I wouldn't have said anything. I know you're not on good terms with your dad sweetheart but he is a better man and presidant with his old lady by his side".

"I need to go" Grabbing my jacket and bag I pushed myself out of the chair and made a bee line for the front door. My mom was pregnant and she never told me. I had to find out from one of the MC that I was going to be a big sister. Pulling open the front door I stopped in my tracks when I saw Blaze leaning against his bike a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Trying to ignore him I kept my gaze on the ground and headed for my car.

"Congratulations big sis" Came his smart ass remark just as I was about to get in.

He knew too and he didn't tell me? Biting my bottom lip I turned so I could look at him. Leaning against his bike with that stupid smirk on his face. Why did he find this amusing? My mom was pregnant again to the same asshole I call dad and he thought it was funny.

"You're not even worth it" I mumbled more to myself as I jumped into my car. Looking through my rearview mirror it was then I realised I couldn't go no where until they moved. I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of having to ask him. I still had a while before I had to leave and if I had to spend it in my car then so be it.

Watching Tommy make his way out of the front door and over to me I rolled my window down. "Your dad wants you to come by-.."

"No now can you please move your bike I have somewhere I need to be" I said cutting him off as I started putting my seatbelt on. Starting my car I looked up to see Tommy still stood in the exact same place. Why does my dad think he can summon me when ever he feels like it?

"I wasn't asking sweetheart. Now you either follow us back or-.."

"Or what?" I asked "You going to drag me out of my car? maybe put a bullet in my head huh? like I said I have to be somewhere now move your damn bike" I snapped. Checking my rearview mirror I noticed Blaze was no longer on his bike. Where the hell had he gone?

"I got this Tommy" and just like that he jumped into the passanger side.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said gritting my teeth together "I really do have to go" glancing at the clock it had just gone 9. I definatly couldnt be late not when I wanted to make a good first impression.

"Your dad wants you to come by darlin' he needs to speak to you and you know why. Stop being difficult and follow us back he's waiting and he ain't a patient man".

"No now get out of my car".

"Ava" He growled reaching for my hand.

"I have to be at the hospital for 9. 30. My career comes first so you can tell him he can wait. Now get out of my car before I really am late".

Taking a deep breath I pushed through the double doors and made my way to reception. This was it, the start of my new career. Not like I hadn't done it before not to brag but I was very good at my job.


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