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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24

I tossed and turned most of the night deciding at 4 am to get up and get some coffee. There was no point being in bed if I couldn't sleep. Picking up my phone from the kitchen table I turned it on and made my way into the livingroom. Getting comfortable it started ringing in my hand.

"It's 4 O'clock in the morning why the hell are you calling me?" I asked having no idea why I answered him.

"Why are you up?" He slurred. Great he was drunk just what I needed.

"You need to hang up the phone right now and go to sleep, you're drunk Blaze" Rolling my eyes I sighed wishing I hadn't picked up the phone.

"Let me in Ava".

Getting up from the sofa I went to the window and peeked out the blind. There he was sitting on my porch a bottle of Jack in his hand. Had he been out there all night? "Go home Blaze, you're drunk". I whispered not being able to take my eyes of him. What gives him the right to sit out there and get drunk? Is he expecting me to feel sorry for him? That wasn't happening.

"I'm not leaving until you- until you let me in" He hiccuped. Hanging up the phone I put it in my pyjamma pocket and walked towards the door. Would I regret letting him in? I couldn't just leave him out there it was freezing at this time in the morning. Turning the lock I pulled open the door and went back to the sofa. "You can sleep it off here but do not come near me" I said watching as he staggered through my front door and fell onto the single chair.

I couldn't sit here with him. I couldn't stand to be near him because I knew what ever excuse he'll come up with he'll find some way of making me believe him. He hurt me, he said he wanted to be with me but then he goes and dips it some where else. If he really wanted me he would have waited until I was ready like he said he would.

"You're still mine Ava" he smirked making my head snap up and my eyes to fall on his shut ones. "You'll always be mine darlin'." Laughing to himself he smacked his hand off the arm of the chair and opened his eyes "You'll always belong to me Ava, even you know that. She sucked my dick I did"-..

"I slept with Cage" I lied he hurt me and I know it's pathetic but I wanted to hurt him. "He took me out and I gave him my-"..

"Shut up" He roared standing from where he was sitting, he didn't look drunk anymore infact he looked completly sober.

"He took my vir-"..

"I said shut the fuck up" He roared storming towards me and grabbing my face in his hand. "You fucking bitch, you fucking little bitch. You slept with that asshole Ava?".

Feeling the tears fall from my eyes I pushed his hand off me "Its not nice is it?" I cried standing from where I was sitting. "Huh" I snapped pushing on his chest "You fucking hurt me Blaze" Hitting his chest again I started pacing the room. How does he get to get mad at me but he expects me to be all smiles after finding out about him and that girl. I was done this time. I couldn't take it anymore, I was tired and fed up. I didn't want to argue or fight with him anymore. "I gave us a chance and you went behind my back. Even if you didn't sleep with her you still did something. You can sleep here tonight but I want you gone before I have to go to work" Not giving him another look I headed for the stairs. "I'm done" I whispered to myself not realising Blaze had heard.

"You must be Dr Mendez?" A guy around my age smiled standing with his hand out waiting for me to shake. His smile was contagous. Taking his hand in mine I shook it gently before letting it go "Yes and am I right to call you Dr Amaro?" I asked the smile not leaving my face.

Dr Amaro was hot.

"You are correct. Now I have all your paper work in my office, I was hoping today we could maybe just go over everything and then I'll give you a tour. Introduce you to some of the staff you'll be working with and then you can jump right in tomorrow. How does that sound?".

Anything for you Mr sexy eyes.

"Sounds perfect" I said

"Dr Bradley gave you some recomendation" He smiled sitting behind his desk "I understand you graduated at a young age?" He asked looking over what I presumed to be my file infront of him.

"I did but it was hard getting to where I am now. I worked my butt off but I wouldn't have it any other way. What can I say I love my job" I smiled not being able to take my eyes of his. Such beautiful eyes.

"Glad to hear it. Now I'm sure you are fantastic at what you do so I'm not going to sit here and bore you by going over things you'll know off by heart. I only have one rule here and every new start has to obey by it" He said giving me a serious look making the smile drop from my face. "You have to let me take you out tonight for a drink and no I'm not just asking because you're a very beautiful girl". He smirked putting my file into his drawers.

I could do that. What harm will it cause? I'm only have a drink with another member of staff.

"It's just a welcome to the crazy kind of drink" He said knocking me out of my thoughts "A few other members of staff will be there and it'll give you a chance to meet some of them".


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