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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"Please don't, I don't want to hear" I said moving away from him "I told you last night you didn't have to explain". Truth was I didn't want to hear it because I was afraid I would burst into tears and I didn't want to cry infront of him.  "I have to go" I told him again before I made my way down the stairs. Going straight for the bottle of wine I had in the fridge I filled my glass back to the top. A few more wouldn't hurt before I go and with Blaze here I needed it.

Watching him walk to the fridge he pulled out a beer and leaned against the bunker tops. Why was he still here? "Yes Blaze you can have one" I said watching the smirk make its way onto his face. "Hair of the dog darlin'." he said raising the bottle to his mouth and almost finishing it. Why was I smiling? How did it feel like nothing had happened?

"How was your first day?" He asked not once taking his eyes of me. He was making me feel nervous and when I was nervous I said stupid things.

"I can't wait to start" I smiled "I have a really good feeling about it. I met the head doctor today and he seems lovely, tomorrow I should get my office and meet the rest of my staff. They seem like really nice people and-.. I'm rambling" I laughed forgetting how easy it was to talk to him. Feeling the blush take over my cheeks I buried my face in my glass.

"Ramble away darlin' I could listen to you all day" He said his eyes flicking over my body for the first time tonight.

Clearing my throat I finished of my wine and put my glass in the sink "I really have to go" I said checking the time on the wall clock. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I was a little late. "Need a lift?" He asked placing his bottle in the bucket by the backdoor.

I did..

"No it's fine I'll call a cab it-"

"You ain't riding in a cab dressed like that. Now the back of my bike, thats an image I won't ever get out of my head" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Such a pervert... Rolling my eyes I looked at how short my dress was. I couldn't get on the back of a bike dressed like this- what the hell am I doing?

"Ava it's just a ride. Nothing else I will honour your word".

That changed everything.

"Unless you don't want your doctor friends seeing you being dropped of by a member of Devils Due?" He sneered his features turning cold.

"Have I ever gave a shit before? Fuck Blaze I'm pretty sure they know who my dad is" I said shaking my head at him. How could he ever think that? "I'm not ashamed of my family Blaze".

" Well then let me give that fine ass of yours a ride" He grinned

Pursing my lips together I crossed my arms over my chest watching him as he mounted his bike. "This is a bad idea" I said glancing down at my dress "I don't want to flash my ass to the world. I think I'm just going to get a cab". Yeah that would be a better idea. This dress wasn't made for a bike.

" You ain't now get over here" He muttered holding out his helmet for me to take. Chewing on my bottom lip I shook my head "I'm calling a cab" I said pulling my phone from my bag and unlocking it. This is what I should have done the minute he offered me a lift. I don't want him getting the wrong idea, even though he said he would honour my word I wasn't sure I could keep mine.

"Stubborn ass" he muttered "Why pay for a cab when I'm right here?"

"Because I don't want to have to owe you anything. I don't want you to think everything's okay between us because its not". There I said it. Taking a deep breath I glance at my phone. It was approaching 8 o'clock, I didn't want to be any later than I was.

" I told you I would honour your wo-.."

"I'm not sure I can keep to mine" I snapped cutting him off "Unlike you my feelings don't just disappear in a day. I'm afraid to be around you because I don't want to give in". This is exactly why I told him there was nothing to take about. I didn't want to drag up how I felt.

Feeling his stare burn a hole in my face I laughed I fucking laughed " Guess I can't just shut out how I feel huh? Well you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else" I glared heading to my car. I knew I had slipped my keys in my bag earlier and I was thankful I did.

"You already did that remember?" He snapped storming towards my car.

That was it. Slamming my car door shut I stormed towards him hitting my fists of his chest "You really think I slept with Cage?" I roared catching the attention of my next door neighbors. Laughing out loud I shook my head "Unlike you I have some respect for my body. Now I'm not going to tell you again. Leave me alone, forget you ever met me because from this moment on that's what I plan to do". Storming back to my car I got in and drove off. That man drove me insane.

Finally reaching the black widow I parked my car round back. I needed a big glass of red wine maybe even a bottle. That man had nearly ruined my night but I was not going to let that happen. This was my chance to make some new friends and actually start my life here. Reapplying my lipstick I grabbed my purse and headed inside.

Glancing around the bar I smiled when I saw Josh waving at me " I thought you weren't coming" he smirked walking towards me and taking my hand "Come meet the team".


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