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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26

"Wanna share a cab home?" He asked making me look up from my phone "Or we could go grab a pizza and walk home?"

Hearing the roar of his bike in the background I smiled at Josh "Thanks for the offer but I have a ride" I said as Blaze pulled into the parking lot. "Ava are you sure you wanna get on the back of that?" Josh asked

"What because he's a criminal?" Laughing I smiled at him sweetly "You're just as bad as they two muppets in there. Bye Josh". Slipping off my shoes I walked towards Blaze and took the helmet he was offering me. Slipping it on I mounted his bike gripping onto him tightly before he sped of out of there.

" I think the whole of NewYork just seen my bare ass" I laughed removing his helmet from my head. Sliding off the back of his bike I handed his helmet back to him "Thanks for the lift" I said. Even after everything that had been said he still came when I needed him. No questions asked he just came.

"It ain't a bad view darlin'." He smirked nodding towards my derrière. Not realising my dress was still pushed up I felt my cheeks heat up. Pulling it down I hide my smile away from him and turned on my heel. Should I invite him in for a night cap? Maybe just to say thank you? Hearing the roar of his bike I turned to see him put his helmet back on. Giving me a salute he rolled his bike down my drive before speeding of down the street.

A night cap wouldn't have been the best of ideas anyway.

Dropping my shoes at the side of the couch I went into the kitchen to get a night cap. The half bottle of red was still sitting on the table where I left it. Taking the glass from the draining rack I poured myself a big one. Tomorrow was a new day I was just hoping it wouldn't involve talking about my dad. They all did seem like a great bunch of people and I was looking forward to working with them all.

Turning off the kitchen light I was just about to head upstairs when the doorbell rang. Wait, I have a doorbell? It was almost 1 am who could that be at this time?

"Are you sure this is the right house?"

Stopping dead in my tracks a horrible feeling settled in my stomach. Who was that? I didn't recognise the voice and that's what scared me.

"This is it but her car ain't here she's not home. Fuck, prez wanted her tonight. What the hell are we going to tell him?" A different voice snapped.

Feeling my body shake I tried to hold back my tears. Unlocking my phone I cursed when it made the clicking sound. Hopefully they didn't hear it. Please go away.

"We'll get her. Maybe not tonight but our prez will have his fun with her".

Hearing both them laugh made the bile rise in the back of my throat. Hearing the doors of a car slam shut I let out the breath I was holding. Dialling his number I waited for him to answer before I broke down in tears.

Drinking the wine left in my glass I hadn't moved from my spot behind the couch. Leaning my head against my knees I jumped when there was a knock at my door. Terrified to move I bit my lip as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Ava darlin' come and open the door"

Hearing his voice only made me cry more. Getting to my feet I shakily made my way to the door and opened it. "I didn't know who else to call. I didn't want to worry my dad and.." Cutting myself of a sob escaped my mouth. "They're never going to stop" I cried as he grabbed me and pulled me too him "They're not going to stop until they get me".

I know we weren't on good terms but I really didn't have anyone else to call. If I called my dad he would have went straight at Vagos all guns blazing.

"Its okay sweetheart please try and calm down. I'll take care of this" he soothed running his hand up and down my back. "I'll take care of it but first I gotta get you out of here. They might come back darlin' and if they do I don't want you here. Tommy's out side in the SUV he's going to take you to the clubhouse. I'll meet yo-.."

"You can't handle this on your own Blaze. I'm not leaving unless your coming with me" I panicked.

"Relax darlin' I was just going to lock up the house and then I'd be there. I'll get Tommy to take care of this and I'll take you back".

" Just leave the god damn house Blaze. I don't want any of you guys getting hurt because of me. Please can we just get out of here" I said not waiting for him to answer but instead leaving out the front door and straight into the car.

"Your dads at the main house with your mom so taking you to the clubhouse is the best thing for now. The guys are there you'll be safe" Tommy said handing me a lit cigarette.

"I don't think I'll ever be safe again" I mumbled taking a long draw of my cigarette.

"He hasn't been sleeping y'know" Tommy said nodding towards Blaze "He hasn't been himself lately. You know anything about that?" Glancing at me through the rear view mirror I shook my head 'no'.

"Is this place always so rowdy" I asked watching a girl on her knees at the side of the clubhouse. Was that Cage? Realising I was still in my dress with no shoes and my make up half way down my face I sighed. Not that I cared what any of them thought.


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