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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36

"I'm fine" Swallowing past the lump I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Someone who is fine doesn't cry" Walking towards me she sat on the edge of my desk. "I am here if you want to talk about it. I won't judge I'll just listen".

Feeling the tears roll down my cheeks I shook my head "I can't take anymore of this and if I'm honest I wish I hadn't of moved here. No one has any idea what its like when your dad is Franko, president of the most fearful motorcycle club around. And then there's Blaze, he may be good to look at but he sure as hell comes with a lot of bullshit" Wiping at my eyes I lay my head on my desk. "I can't go anywhere without having to constantly look over my shoulder. I have to stay at that fucking clubhouse because it's not safe anywhere else. God I'm 24 and have a constant babysitter".

"Come and stay with me" She pipped up causing me to lift my head and look at her.


"I live by myself and I have a spare room. My brother occasionally drops by but he won't mind and besides it would be the best thing ever" She smiled

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I would be away from Blaze and right now that's all I want.

"I read a message on his phone" I whispered chewing on my bottom lip. "From a girl named Sasha".

"You think he's banging some other chick?" She asked folding her arms over her chest "He'd be a fucking asshole if he is".

"I don't know. Didn't ask about her because I'm scared of what he'll say. I'm not that kind of girl".

"His loss Ava. Babe you're beautiful and you sure as hell could have anyone you wanted. You can stay with me for however long you need to".

"Thanks Ally. You on-.."

Hearing her cell phone ring she pulled it out of her pocket and cursed. "I think I made the worse decision of my life last night" Switching her phone off she threw it onto my desk. "That's the third time he's called me. What could he possibly want? We fucked and had fun but that was it".

"Cage has called you three times?" I asked watching the nervous look appear in her eyes.

"Why is he calling me though?".

"I have no idea" I said letting out a deep breath "Wanna come help me start a war?" I asked grabbing my jacket and slipping it on.

"You've lost me" She said giving me a questioning look.

"Telling them I'm moving out ain't going to be easy. I need support" I smiled bumping her shoulder "Let's go".

"Can I wait here?" She asked looking around the lot. Some of the boys were out working on there bikes.

"I don't think he's here besides why the hell are you scared?".

"Am not" She said sticking her tongue out at me.

Rolling my eyes I pulled open my door and got out. "Put on your big girl panties and get your ass out here" I said shutting the door.

"Hey darlin'." Tommy smiled casually making his way towards me.

"Hey Tommy. Is my dad around?" I asked looking over at where Jared and Tank were working on there bikes.

"Out with your mom sweetheart. Everything alright?" He asked taking out a smoke.

"Yeah I just need to break the news that I'm moving out".

Watching his expression change I watched his adams apple bob as he swallowed. "That a good idea? Does Blaze know?".

And there it was again. Why does everyone think Blaze needs to know my business? "No he doesn't and he doesn't need too".


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