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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Rubbing at his nose his eyes fell into slits "Of course I fucking did and do that again and I'll turn you over and spank that ass so hard you won't be able to sit down for a week" He growled.

Rolling my eyes at him a yawn fell from my mouth "Can I ask you something?" I said looking straight into his eyes. Now he was back I had to know what I was letting myself in for. I needed to know how he was going to act around me when we had company.  I've seen the way my dad acts around my mom and to me it looks like two people in love.

"I'm not in the mood for a fight sweetheart and with the way your eyebrows are creasing it tells me your little mind is working overtime".

"I just need to know Blaze".

Sighing he sat up so he was leaning against his head rest. Reaching for his smokes he lit one up taking a long draw "You don't need to know shit Ava, don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong sweets".

Falling quiet I bit my lip hard to stop me from saying what I wanted to say. Pushing the covers of I crawled out of bed. Maybe work wasn't such a bad idea and it would give me some space away from him. No matter how shitty I felt I needed to get out of this damn clubhouse.

"Where are you going?"

Looking at him I watched him stub out his cigarette and pop his hands behind his head. He did look tired, maybe he was taking care of business.

"Work" I said heading off into the bathroom before he could reply.

Tying my hair into a messy bun I left the bathroom and stopped the minute my eyes landed on him. Fast asleep hugging the pillow I was lying on earlier. Picking up my bag I was about to leave when his phone beeped from the bedside cabinet.

I know I shouldn't but...

Biting my lip my eyes flashed to him again before landing back on his phone. Grabbing it in my hand I unlocked the screen my heart dropping at what I read.

'Last night was fun! We should do it more often :) Sasha'

Setting it back on the cabinet I grabbed my bag tighter and left the room. Who the hell was Sasha? Walking into the clubhouse I walked to where my dad was sitting, a few guys listening to whatever the hell he was saying.

"You need something?" My dad asked

Leaning over I wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest. I had no idea what had come over me but I just needed a hug from my dad. Hearing chairs being scraped back I lifted my head to see the guys had left us alone.

"What's wrong A?" He asked his voice softer than normal. My dad was a hard man and there was nothing soft about him. Some people say he doesn't have a heart but I know they're wrong.

Feeling the lone tear roll down my cheek I let it fall onto his cut. "Nothing I just needed a hug from my dad" I croaked holding onto him tighter.

"You sure sweetheart? You know you can come to me with anything. Did someone hurt you?" He asked

Letting him go I slid into the chair next to him. "No one hurt me dad I can take care of myself you know".

"I'm know you can darlin' but you don't have to" He said placing his hand on my knee and giving it a little squeeze.

"I have to go to work. I'll see you later at some point" I sighed placing a kiss on his cheek before getting up.

Why did it feel like I had a truck sitting on my chest? My heart felt like it was going to explode. I don't get why he couldn't just tell me the truth. Everything he said to me was a lie. You don't tell someone you made love to them and then spend the night with another girl. If anything I was angry at myself. I should have known it would happen. I see it happen every night and yet I still thought there was this little chance he was different. Wiping away the lone tear I walked out through the doors and toward my car.

"Sweets hold up"

Feeling my shoulders sag I leant against my car door as he ran the distance between us.

Okay Ava! Time to put those big girl panties on and tell him he means nothing to you. Push him away...

"You alright?" He asked


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