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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

I was drunk no scratch that I was fucked. Laying on my back I had my legs resting on blazes lap. With my head turned to the side I watched as a girl climbed her way to the top of the pole before wrapping one of her legs around it and spinning to the bottom. " I could totally do that. I would be an awesome stripper". God knows what time it was but the club was empty and there was only the girl on the pole and the other members of staff left.

"You think?" He chuckled rubbing his fingers up and down my legs. "Takes a lot of hard work, think you'd be cut out for the job?".

Sitting up I raised my eyebrows at him " Are you saying I couldn't do it?" I asked removing my legs from his lap and placing my feet on the ground. "You watch and learn" I smirked before sauntering of to where the girl was.

"Ava" He called placing his hands on my waist to steady me as I watched mesmerised by what the girl could do. "Maybe doing it when you're sober would be a better idea". Hm he was probably right but I wanted to do it now. "No I want to do it now".

"You want a shot?" The girl smiled as she walked over to us. Grinning from ear to ear I nodded my head. "Blaze doesnt think I'd be a good stripper" I pouted the alcohol well and truly settled in.

"With that body" She whistled "Girl you'd make a fine stripper" Holding her hand out for me to take she pulled me onto the stage. Wobbling slightly I giggled like a little girl. "Its all yours" She grinned taking a stance next to Blaze.

I could do this!! "Music" I yelled snapping my fingers as Usher ft Juicy J came blaring through the speakers. You got this Ava!! Grabbing a hold of the pole I stumbled round it laughing as I did. I don't got this!! Hearing the music dim down I tried to walk my way over to them but tripped over my own feet landing with a thud.

"Told you going up there when your sober is a better idea" He chuckled as he picked me up his hands not leaving my sides.

"You come see me when your sober I'll teach you and don't listen to him you'd make a fine stripper" She winked before heading of in the direction of the bar. "I'm Ava" I yelled as she stopped in her tracks and turned to face me. "I know who you are" She winked "I'm Cookie but you can call me Leila".

"I would have totally nailed that if I wasn't so damn drunk. This is your fault" I laughed throwing myself back into the booth.

"I didn't force you to drink it sweetheart" He smirked nursing what looked like a scotch. Sticking my tongue out at him I placed my legs back over his lap and got comfortable. "I'm investing in one of those poles" I grinned as he chuckled. "Seriously I am I will get the hang of shaking my ass on a pole. Leila will help me". Sitting up I smiled at him "I'd need a stripper name though. I don't think Ava would cut it" I laughed pulling my legs of him and turning so I could rest my head on his lap instead.

"You're a doctor Ava. Why you thinking about stripper names and poles?" He asked.

"Its just a little fun Blaze stop trying to ruin my buzz" I huffed turning my head to the side and grabbing the bottle of tequila. Holding it up I squinted my eyes and shook the bottle, empty. "I'm going for a drink" Smirking at me he gave me a nod of the head. Rolling my eyes I sauntered over to the bar but did a detour looking for the bathroom and ended up in the changing room. Smirking to myself I grabbed the tight belly top that had 'Private Eyes' the name of the club plastered over the chest area. Pulling of my jacket and top I pulled it over my head and down the top half of my body. Feeling my smirk turn into a full on grinn I grabbed the tiny booty shorts that caught my eye.

I could totally be a stripper.

Puffing my hair up I smiled to myself in the full length mirror. Now all I needed was shoes. Glancing around I pursed my lips when I saw a pair of black stilettos sitting on a chair that had 'Candy' written on the back of it. Checking the size I shrugged my shoulders when I noticed they were a size smaller. Giving myself a once over I left the changing room with a sway in my hips. I would show him. Suddenly determination came over me, I felt different. I didn't feel like little Ava that did everything right. I felt naughty and.... I liked it. Giggling to myself I continued on my way back to the main part of the club stopping by the bar to pick up a bottle. I wasn't feeling as drunk as I was but the buzz was still there if it wasn't I wouldn't have the balls to be dressed the way I was. Picking up the remote that lay across the bar I moved so I could see Blaze but he couldn't see me. Pressing power Usher came blaring through the speakers again. Hm perfect song for a strip club. Glancing at Blaze I noticed he'd sat up, glancing around a frown made its way onto his face. Trying not to giggle at his expression I came out from behind the pillar and slowly made my way towards him making sure I added that extra sway to my hips. Watching his mouth fall open I turned the music down a little so I could here myself talk.

"Never underestimate a Mendez" I grinned stopping and placing my hands on my hips. Watching his adams apple bob up and down his eyes scanned over every inch of my body. "Well what do you think?" I asked doing a little twirl "Think I could pull it off?". Watching him swallow he cleared his throat. "Why are you doing this?" He groaned making the smile fall of my face. "God damn Ava you have no idea what you're doing to me right now. You say you don't want me and then you prance your little ass around in my club like that?".

He was right. What the hell was I doing?

Do you know what I was having fun. Screw him and everyone else. I wasn't doing it to get a rise from him. I was doing it because you want him to fuck your brains out on top of that bar over there. Opening the bottle of Tequila I glanced at him before holding the bottle to my lips. "Think that's enough" He called just as the alcohol touched my lips. Bringing the bottle back down I sat it on a near by table. "What was it you said? Oh yeah if this is the last time we get to hang then we're getting fucked. Guess what I'm not fucked yet".

"Ava.." Standing he started to walk towards me slowly.

"Hm fucked such an interesting word with so many different meanings" As he started getting closer I started backing away "So many different meanings" I whispered as my back hit against the edge of the bar. Biting my lip my eyes fell over his body.

"Stop this" He all but growled placing both arms on either side of the bar, my body now trapped. Looking at him through my eyelashes I let my tongue run over my bottom lip "Stop what?" I asked my voice barely a whisper.

"I'm not doing this" He whispered dropping his arms and turning his back on me. Feeling the stab of rejection I pushed myself of the bar so I could grab the tequila from the table. "You don't play fair darlin' you can't just want me because your drunk and needing a good screw. I'm sure pretty boy can take care of that". Laughing I took a long swig from the bottle "So predictable Blaze, you thought you'd bring me here tonight, get me drunk and I'd tell you all my secrets?". Walking over to where the pole sat I grabbed a hold of it and pulled myself up " You wanna screw me Blaze?" I giggled hanging onto the pole "I could dance my ass on your pole".

"Sorry darlin' I didn't bring you here for a fuck"

"Oh really?" I asked my eyes falling to the bulge in his jeans "Could have fooled me". Gripping the pole tigher I let myself fall back before pulling myself back up again. "I think its time I get you home" He said holding out his hand for me to take. Hitting his hand away I turned around and got myself down. "I don't have a home". Feeling my buzz begin to fade I made my way toward the booth. How did I go from being on top of the world to feeling like shit? Taking a seat beside me he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him my head landing on his chest. "What am I going to do with you" He whispered kissing the top of my head. "Let me take you home sweets". Pulling my head of his chest I stood up putting some distance between us. "Or you could be a real man and fuck me on top of the bar?" I grinned sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

"Stop it" He roared standing up and pulling on both my arms "I'm not going to fuck you heck I'm not even going to touch you. So stop running your dirty mouth. I'm taking you home Ava, god what is up with you?". I was shocked. I had never seen him act like this before. "Okay" I whispered "I need to get my stuff". Walking back to the changing rooms I stopped so I could look at him. Watching him throw a punch at the wall and curse a few times I disappeared inside.


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