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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Making my way to his room I pushed the door open not realising he had company. I thought he was meant to be up state? Never mind it was none of my business. "Hope I'm not interrupting" I smiled walking over and placing a kiss on his cheek "How are you feeling?". I asked taking a seat on the chair next to his bed.

"Like I've got a constant hangover. Doc says I can't get out for at least another week. I hate hospitals" he grimaced.

"Then you better listen to the doctor and no breaking him out" I said eyeing up Blaze. "He needs to rest properly and be healthy before he can be released".

"I see you two still have figured your shit out" Tommy huffed. Rolling my eyes I ignored him. We had sorted our shit out, we were better apart than together. Getting to my feet I placed another kiss on his cheek "I have to get going I only dropped by to see how you were, listen to the doctor and I'll see you when you're better looking".

"Actually sweetheart there's something I need to ask you".

Why did I suddenly have a bad feeling about what it was he wanted to ask me? Glancing at Blaze I noticed he was looking at Tommy. "They said I need to stay in here for at least another week. Y'know to run some more tests, make sure I'm fit enough to be discharged".

"Okay?" I said it sounding more like a question than a reply "Don't leave until they say you're fit enough. I don't want you leaving and then landing straight back in here. Wait what are you trying to ask me here?".

"My insurance runs out before I can be discharged. Any way you could make it happen so that they don't figure out?" Was he serious? "I could lose my job" I whispered looking at both of them. I would get dismissed immediately if I got caught doing shit like that. "I know sweetheart and I know its a big risk but I know myself I'm not doing to good right now". Pacing the room I tried to think over what he just asked. Yes Tommy was like family but I'd never work in another hospital again if I got caught. My career would be over in the blink of an eye.

"You don't have to do it darlin'. I thought I'd chance my luck, it was worth a shot" He chuckled. God he was killing me right now, it sure as hell was a lot he was asking for. "I'll take care of it just you keep of the raider and be nice to the staff. I'm back at work tomorrow I'll make sure I'm the one dealing with you. Blaze a word" I said walking out of the room.

"Why the hell hasn't he renewed his insurance" I hissed making sure to keep my voice low. There was eyes and ears all over the place and I defiantly didn't need for anyone to hear this conversation.

"I don't know. I'm not his keeper Ava and like he said you don't have to do it".

"How can I not do it? After everything he's been through I can't sit back and watch him being thrown out of here when he's still unfit to come home. Jesus how do you guys get yourself into these messes."

"We're criminals darlin'. We're always in messes like this. If you want to help him out of the goodness of your heart then do it. Don't do it because you feel like you have too. I know how risky it is and the last thing I would want is for you to lose your job. Oh by the way Cookies been asking when you want they pole dancing lessons".

Squinting my eyes at him I pushed his shoulder " That's the last thing on my mind right now. I have to go pick up some stuff for tomorrow. Tell Tommy I'll sort it ".

"You want to go out for coffee?" He asked stopping me in my tracks. Was he serious?

"Coffee? Really?" I asked turning so I could look at him. Coffee wasn't his style I knew that much. Throw in a bottle of tequila and he was game but coffee? Hm what was he up to? "Yes coffee. Would you like to go grab some?".

"Aren't you meant to be up state dealing with business?".

"Well I can see you and your dad are talking again. I'm going tomorrow sweets. So would you like to go get some or not?". I dont know why I did it but I agreed to go have coffee with him.

"Everyone's staring" I whispered stirring my cappuccino. I get that probably everyone knew who he was but didn't they know it was rude to stare? We were just two people having coffee.

"Fuck um" He grunted taking a look around causing everyone to drop there stare. I could still feel it though, ever movement I made I felt there eyes burning the back of my head. It was starting to become very uncomfortable. Watching as Blaze went to pick up more sugar I slapped his hand away causing a gasp to leave the guys mouth that was sitting across from us. What was his problem? "You want to leave here with diabetes?"...

"What the fuck are you staring at?" He growled his eyes falling into slits his focus on the young guys sitting across from us. Rolling my eyes I snapped my fingers infront of him his eyes moving back to meet mine "They're just kids Blaze".

"Its not just them though, everyone in this fucking place is staring".

Pushing my half finished coffee to the side I got to my feet "Come on I know a place where no one will stare and it does awesome coffee" I winked turning on my heel and making my way out. "I didn't think you cared what people thought" I muttered opening the drivers side and jumping in. "I don't and get that little ass to the other side. I'm the one driving".

"You don't know where we are going so you get your little ass into the passenger side and shut the hell up. Seemed to me that you were bothered by everyone staring". Starting my car up I pulled out from the side of the road and headed home.

"I couldn't give a shit what people think about me. It was you I was worried about darlin' looked like you were uncomfortable. Mind if I smoke?" He asked


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