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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

I had been thinking about him I even had a pro's and cons list mastered in my head. "You're right I'll call her" He smirked making my mouth fall open. Pulling out his phone he put it against his ear. Not even a second later my phone started ringing. Chuckling I pushed against his shoulder "Very funny" I said rolling my eyes. Laughing along with me he put his phone back into his pocket.

"Do you fancy a coffee?" I blurted out

"Sure but I don't think theres a coffee shop around here. We could nip into town if you'd like?" He asked but I had a better idea. What better way to settle into your new house than with some great company. "Or I could show you my new house and we could have coffee there?" I grinned.

"Sounds great" He smiled

"I just need to pick up a few things first"hink

Okay so a few things turned into a lot of things. Grabbing some shopping bags I opened my front door only for them to fall out my hands at what I saw. My house was now fully furnished. Gritting my teeth I balled my hands into fists. "Think I'll need you to come decorate my house, you have some skills Ava". Nate said looking around himself. If only I could take the credit for it. As much as I wanted to be angry they had done a good job.

"I didn't do this" I said picking up the shopping I had dropped and made my way through to the kitchen. Why was I even surprised to see they had decorated that as well. "Well whoever did drop me there number. My house is needing a little touch up" Placing the shopping he was carrying onto the counter top he pulled out one of the stools from the breakfast bar. A freaking breakfast bar!

"Your house is perfect" I muttered folding my hands over my chest. They just didn't know when to stop. What was next? A new car? Why did they feel the need to do stuff for me? I was quite capable of decorating my own house. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked. Shaking my head I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. "This is my dads doing. No matter what I do I can't seem to stop them interfering. The house, the decorating, my life" I muttered picking up the kettle and filling it with water. "What do you take?" I asked searching the cupboards to find some mugs. They had took care of everything.

"Is that a bad thing? And just milk I'm sweet enough" He grinned. Yes you are. Was it a bad thing? No I guess it wasn't but it would have been nice for them to tell me what they were up to instead of playing dumb. "Not really but it would have been nice to have some input in my own house". Pouring the water into the cups I handed Nate his. "Sorry for moaning" I sighed taking a sip of my coffee. "Its nice" He laughed scratching the back of his head. What was nice? "Having a girl moaning in my ear". Biting my lip I diverted my gaze to the floor to stop myself from laughing. That didn't sound right at all. " And now that I've went over what I just said I am an idiot". Not being able to hold it in any longer the laugh spilled from my lips.

"Come on" I smiled walking through to the living room and taking a seat on my new couch. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant I've not been around a lot of girls for a long time" He sighed taking a seat next to me. "Why not?" I asked slipping off my shoes and putting my feet under my bum "You're a great guy Nate". I didn't get it, girls must be throwing themselves at him all the time. "Tell you what. I'll ask you something and you answer honestly and I'll do the same". Hm was that a good idea?

"Okay" I found myself answering. "You go first".

"What's your full name?" He asked my eyebrows creasing at his question. "Ava Maria Mendez at your service" I grinned taking a sip of my coffee. How was it I felt carefree when I was with him? He made me feel relaxed, made me feel like I didn't have a care in the world. Maybe Nate was the piece that was missing. "I like it" He grinned "Now when did-.."

"Uh uh" I said cutting him off "Its my turn, why are you single?" I had to know. There was no way he was gay so I'm guessing he's been hurt or he finds it hard to trust anyone. "Broken heart" He muttered "I had been in a relationship for 5 years only to find out she was fucking one of my best friends and the only reason she was with me was for my money". I think my heart just broke, poor Nate. Moving closer I placed my hand on top of his "I'm sorry Nate, that must have been hard to deal with. I'm sorry for asking". How could anyone do that? Money grabbing whore!. Squeezing my hand he gave me a small smile "Worst time of my life but I threw myself into work. Trying not to think about it was hard I was angry all the time, taking it out on people that didn't deserve it but I pulled myself together and here I am".

"Well its her loss. I bet she's kicking her self now, you're a great guy Nate. Any girl would be lucky to have you".

"Well now that you've heard my soppy story I want to know yours".

"I don't have one" I said because really I didn't. I had never been in a serious relationship never really had a boyfriend. "I've never had a boyfriend" I blurted out his eyes widening in shock. "What? How?" He asked.

"You want my life story?" I teased

"If it'll help me get to know you better then yeah start spilling" He winked moving slightly closer. "Well what do you want to know?" I asked. I loved how comfortable I felt around him. How we could just chill over coffee and things never got awkward. "How about you tell me what you want to tell me?". Hm I could lie, miss out all the shit that has happened in the past couple of weeks. Tell him stuff he wants to hear, what he'll believe but I wasn't going to do that. I trusted Nate I just hoped he trusted me too.

"Okay here goes. My mom moved us away when I was 7, she didn't want me growing up in the clubhouse so she left when my dad got put in prison. I grew up in California where I went to school then university. I didn't have many friends in fact I didn't have any friends. I wasn't much of a talker, I wanted to get through school and university as fast as I could. I finally graduated a little younger than expected. Book smart" I smirked tapping the side of my head "For the life of me I couldn't get a job so being stuck in the house all day got me thinking, thinking about my dad. Where he was? What he was like? You could say I was curious. I did some research and let's just say the little memory I had of my father was destroyed with what I read. So I did the stupidest thing ever and came here looking for him. As you know I found him and let's just say what I read was true. He wasn't the man I thought he was. I also left without my mom knowing which caused her to come up here. She fell back in love with him the moment she laid eyes on him. I regretted coming here, the people were horrible well the girls were horrible. I knew I didn't belong in a place like that so I moved back home. Everything picked up, I got my dream job but just as it all was going great it all got ripped away from me"..

Stopping I gazed at the wall in front of me. I hadn't really spoke to anyone about my life, in fact I hadn't spoke about it at all. There was good memories talking about it but there was also the bad ones that kept me up at night.

"Hey if its making you upset you don't have to tell me" Grabbing my hand he knocked me out of my thoughts. Tasting the saltiness of my tears I hadn't realised I was crying. I guess this is what I needed, someone who would just sit and listen to me. Wiping away my tears I turned in my seat so I was facing him. "Sorry where was I? Oh yeah I had been working at the local hospital for about 8 and a half months. My life was going great and I didn't mind that my dad had someone check in on me every 3 months. Anyway this guy I worked with had been trying to get into my pants since I started but I wasn't interested in the slightest. Long story short he tried to rape me and if it wasn't for Blaze he would have"

"Okay Ava I've heard enough. I don't like to see girls cry, especially you" Pulling me against his chest he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist "I don't need to know anymore".

"You do" I sniffed pulling back from him. I had to tell him about Blaze. I had to tell him what had happened between us.

"How about I get you a drink first?" Shaking my head yes he got to his feet taking our dirty cups with him.

"Thank you" I said taking the glass of wine from him. I had no idea how I was going to say this but if I tell him maybe the guilty feeling will go away. He needed to know that what I'm about to say was the past and that it wouldn't happen again.


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