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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

"No please, its my job. If you go get yourself a drink the guys will think I've pissed you off and I really don't want them to think that. Please just let me get you your drink. Blaze will kill me" She muttered the worry evident in her eyes. Eh? Was this the same girl that never had a nice word to say about anyone? I was so confused and what did she mean Blaze would kill her? Kill her for what?

"I am not Blazes old lady" I frowned "but if it makes you feel better I'll take a coffee with milk no sugar". Was she doing this because she thought I was an old lady? "Coffee with milk and no sugar coming right up. Oh and if your not his old lady I think you should maybe tell him that because he's put the word out that you are but please don't tell him I told you-.. God I've said to much" She gushed running off before I could reply. Not being able to help it the laugh fell from my lips. I think I liked it better when she was a bitch to me. I didn't care if Blaze was telling people I was his old lady I knew that I wasn't.

"First Kelsey and now Sandra. Fuck I think they've realised not to mess with you" Blaze smirked as he took the seat my mom was occupying before. "Or they've finally got it through there heads that I am not competition that I'm not here to steal there men. Speaking of which apparently your mine or should I say I'm yours. Word got out that I'm your old lady. You have anything to do with that?" I asked already knowing he did. Not being big headed but the first night I got here none of them could keep there's eyes of me and now your lucky if I get a side glance or maybe that has something to do with my dad. "Damn right I had something to do with it. If I don't get to have you then no one else does especially not those fuckers" He grunted grabbed my half empty beer and finishing it. Sighing I turned round completely so my body was facing his "That's not fair Blaze and you know it. You can't keep telling everyone we're together when we're not and this whole if you can't have me no one else can is bullshit. We tried to give us ago and look what happened". You slept with god knows who. "And I told you I haven't been with anyone since you caught me. That must count for something?" He asked sliding his hand over mine. "Why do you want me so badly?" I asked getting straight to the point. I know now that its not about sex, heck he's already had a go so what could he possibly want from me?

"You're not afraid of me, you're not afraid to tell me exactly what you think. I've told you before I've wanted you for a long time, you're in my head twenty four seven. No matter how much I try to stop thinking about you I can't. I use other girls as a distraction. I've never wanted something or someone as badly as I want you Ava and to not be able to have you it kills me".

Wow! I didn't expect that at all.

"I don't get you Blaze. Why hurt me if all you want is me?" I sighed running a hand over my face. If he wanted me so badly why sleep with other girls? Saying they were a distraction is bullshit. If you want something so badly then you fight for it not do the complete opposite. "You can't have your cake and eat it to. If you want something so badly you fight for it Blaze. You stopped fighting" I shrugged sliding of the bar stool and getting to my feet. I was ending this conversation because I didn't want an argument. An argument we've had plenty of times before. "I have to go to the hospital and sort out my leave. I'll have a bag ready and I'll meet you back here before we have to go. If anything changes let me know".

As I was climbing into my car I only then realised I was still carrying Blazes gun. How could I forget I had a gun shoved down the back of my jeans? Glancing around the lot I made sure no one was in sight before pulling it out and putting it in my glovebox. I guess I could give him it back later.

"Noooo" Ally whined pouting out her bottom lip. I didn't expect to see her here but apparently I made her feel bad about not being in work when she was suppose to be. Shows how much attention I pay when I hadn't realised she had left the clubhouse. "It'll only be for a couple of days and I don't have a choice in the matter. You know how it is" I whispered trying to keep my voice low. Sighing she looped her arm through mine "Fine but do me a favour?" She asked as we stopped by the canteen for coffee. "Sure anything" I replied wondering if it had anything to do with Josh. Apparently he was getting a little to comfortable doing my job. "Ride that hot piece of ass every chance you get" She smirked sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. Frowning at her I shook my head "I'm not in a relationship with Blaze I just have to go away with him because my dad trusts him the most and is sex all you bloody think about?" I asked pouring some milk into my coffee? "I'm not in a relationship with Cage but sweet jesus I'm on his cock every chance I get. Those men know how to ride Ava and trust me he never misses" She smirked winking at me over the top of her cup. "Have a little fun with him while you're away. No one back here needs to know what happened, let loose and pretend nothing else exists. Its not a crime to fuck someone you're not in a relationship with". Hm maybe Ally was right. Maybe what I needed to do was let loose and have some fun.

"I need to check a few things in my office before I have to head out again. Are you going to survive another couple of days without me?" I asked as we started walking. Rolling her eyes she dumped her coffee into a nearby trash can "I'll survive but I'm not promising that Josh will" She smiled sweetly at me before we entered my office. Laughing I took the key to my filing cabnet out my drawer and gave it to her. "It has a spare key for here on it. You can use it while I'm gone to stop you from killing Josh just don't make a mess". Taking the key from me she tucked it into the inside of her bra. Rolling my eyes I grabbed the files from my drawer and put them under my arm. They should keep me busy while I'm away because let's face it what else was I going to do to pass the time.

"I want a text every time you hit that" She grinned causing me to roll my eyes at her. Seriously this girl should have been a porn star imstead of a doctor. Grabbing her shoulders gently I turned her around and pushed her out my office shutting the door behind us. "I won't be hitting anyone. Don't you have patients to attend to?" I asked just as my phone vibrated in my pocket. "Keep me posted" She winked before walking off in the opposite direction. Shaking my head I couldn't stop the smile from spreading, I was glad I met Ally. Pulling out my phone I unlocked the screen so I could check my message.

'You have something that belongs to me darlin'. Make sure you don't lose it'

How the hell was I going to lose a gun? Not bothering to text back I slipped my phone back into my pocket and left the hospital. Pulling my sunglasses over my eyes I started up my car and headed back home. I knew my dad would kill me if he found out I was going there but I needed a few things for the road and I can't be bothered to drive all the way back to the clubhouse to come all the way back out again. Turning on the radio Trey Songz came blaring through my speakers causing a frown to make it a way onto my face.

I wonder how Nate was doing?

Would he even answer me if I called? I missed his company. I missed how at ease I felt around him. Nate was a good guy but he deserved someone a lot better than me. Turning the volume down a sigh fell from my lips as I drove up my drive. I defiantly had to fix things with him and I would as soon as I was back. Glancing around my neighborhood I reached over and grabbed the gun from my glovebox slipping it back into the waistband of my jeans. Carrying it somehow made me feel safe. I had never used one properly but how hard could it be to shoot a gun? Grabbing my bag from under the seat I got out locking my car as I headed for the front door. Heading straight up the stairs to my room I went straight for my closet and started pulling out some clothes. As I was reaching for my suitcase a scream fell from my lips as my bedroom door was slammed open.

"Remember me hot stuff?"

Gulping I moved backwards until my back hit the wall. I knew exactly who he was. The creep from the hospital, the one that got injured from the shit my dad pulled. How did he get in my house?

"Don't tell me you've forget?" He grinned showing what little teeth he had left. I think I was going to be sick. Was he on his own? More importantly what was he planning on doing with me? "Nice little house you got here babe. Your daddy buy you it?". I couldn't talk, couldn't think. Why did I have to come back here on my own? Stupid idiot. "Fucking answer me" He yelled causing me to jump. How could I answer when my heart was lodged into my throat? "Forget it I'm only here to pick you up and take you back to my prez but then again he didn't say anything about me getting a turn first" He smirked moving slowly towards me.

Feeling my breathing get heavy my eyes widened as I felt the coldness against my back. The gun.... Not thinking about it I pulled it out and held it up aiming it right in line with his face. He didn't need to know I had never used one before. Watching him pale slightly he masked it quickly before throwing his head back and laughing. "What you gonna do? Shoot me in brod daylight?. Do you even know how to use a gun sweetheart". No I fucking didn't but it couldn't be that hard to miss his fat head. Moving towards me again I flipped the safety off " I suggest you turn and leave before I blow a hole in your head" I snapped proud that my voice didn't come out shaky. "You ain't got the guts to shoot me bitch" He snapped lunging at me. Before I could blink my index finger pushed against the trigger a loud bang circling the room before he fell down in front of me blood pouring from his mouth.

Dropping the gun I couldn't stop my body from shaking or the tears from falling from my eyes. With shaky hands I pulled out my phone and dialled the one persons number that could fix this.

"About time you called. Where are you?" He asked

I couldn't speak. I couldn't stop the images of what I had just done swimming through my head. I had just shot someone maybe even killed him.



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