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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Bringing the coffee cup to my lips I jumped out of my skin when a hand was placed on my shoulder. Turning my head I relaxed when I saw it was the girl from last night.

"Didn't me to scare you toots, you seemed lost in your thoughts. Refill?" She asked nodding towards my cup. "I'm Lexi by the way".

"Erm.. yeah please" I said holding out my cup. Considering she was the girl that hit on me I thought it would have been awkward.

"So your Franko's daughter?" She asked taking a seat on the stool next to me. I wasn't in the mood for chatting. My mind was still wrapped up in thoughts about Blaze having a wife but I was going to be stuck here for a few days and it sure as hell would be nice to have a friend.

"The one and only" I grinned placing my mug in front of me." How long have you been here?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Far too long but I wouldn't have it any other way. These guys are my family and if it wasn't for them I'd probably be dead. Before you ask or jump to conclusions I work in the bar and that's it".

Frowning I picked my cup back up "I wasn't going to ask-.."

"Maybe you weren't but you were thinking it. I'm not a club girl or whore whatever you prefer" she said cutting me off.

"I wasn't thinking that but I'm glad you cleared that up".

Boy this was turning awkward fast.

"Good now how bout you tell me what's going on with you and that hunk in the bedroom? You his old lady?" She asked a sly grin forming on her face.

"We're just friends" I replied honestly.

Chuckling she placed her hand over mine "Blaze doesn't do friends especially not with girls. Have you fucked?" Feeling my face heat at her words I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. "You totally have" she squealed like it was a big deal.

"Of course she has I mean look at her"

Watching a girl I had yet to meet saunter into the kitchen I felt my eyebrows crease. Pouring some coffee into a mug I watched a she took the seat a cross from me.

"I'm Chantelle, Coopers old lady" She smiled holding her hand out for me to shake which I gladly took. "By my earlier comment I meant it in a good way. He'd be silly to let a hot little thing like you get away".

"We're just friends" I repeated "I'm here as a job nothing else" I shrugged hoping they would drop the subject.

"With benefits?"

"No Lexi strictly friends" I sighed rolling my eyes.

"So he's fair game?"

"Fuck off Amy! You know you're not suppose to be in here" Lexi growled causing the girl to grin. Who was she?


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