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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55

"Its just like being at home" I smiled sweetly my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Don't any of you sleep?" I asked as Blaze wrapped his arm around my shoulder. What was he doing? Glancing at the clubhouse I noticed the similarity it had to my dads. "They know we're coming sweets. Lets just say this is there way of welcoming us" He snickered pulling me toward the entrance. Oh great another bunch of horny men and jealous bitches. As Blaze pulled open the door I took that as my opportunity to sneak out from under his arm. I didn't want them thinking I was his old lady and if the girls were anything like the ones back home I knew I would get nothing but glares and smart comments.

"Well look what the fucking cat dragged in"

Turning my attention to where the voice came from I watched as a man close to my fathers age made his way towards us. Taking in his appearance I couldn't help but notice the scar running through his left eye as he got closer. The guy was huge, over six foot with arms that could kill a man. Stopping in front of us he pulled Blaze into a brotherly hug patting him on the back a few times. Dropping my eyes I noticed the president patch as he pulled back slightly.

"Good to see you Marko" Blaze grinned but Marko wasn't interested in what he had said, his eyes were pinned on me. Swallowing down the lump in my throat I sunk my teeth into my lower lip. Why was he staring so intently at me? did I have something on my face?

"Little Ava" He grinned his eyes raking over my face. "Haven't seen you since you were in diapers. How you doing kid?" He asked.

Why did he remind me so much of my dad?

"When you've been friends with your dad for as long as I have he starts to rub of on you". Hearing him and Blaze chuckle I felt the blush spread over my cheeks. Shit did I really say that out loud?

"Fuck you look just like your old man darlin' but I bet your a little spit fire like your mom. Speaking of which when's she due?" He asked leading us to the table he was sitting at. Glancing around the place I noticed how everyone was still entwined with what they were doing but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. Clearing my throat I took a seat next to Blaze almost sitting on his knee.

"Very soon" I replied my eyes still wandering around the place. Was every clubhouse the same? little girls running around with barely anything on? The sound of a beer bottle being placed in front of me knocked me out of my thoughts.

"You ever get sick of that one doll face you give me a call" Sliding her fingers from my shoulder to my wrist she winked at me before walking back behind the bar. Did I just get hit on by a girl? Hearing the laughter erupt from around the table I felt the blush take over my cheeks. I did not expect that.

"Someones after your girl Blaze" A guy smirked my head snapping in his direction. Looking over him I felt the bile rise in my throat as his eyes scanned over my body his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip.

"Don't be jealous now Dirk it doesn't suit you" Blaze grit out his hand gripping a hold of my thigh. If I didn't know any better I would say these two didn't like each other. Something I would have to ask him when we were alone. "And keep looking at her like that and I'll knock your teeth out".

Holding his hands up in surrender he grinned before pushing himself to his feet and disappearing through the bar. Now I know they didn't like each other. "What was all that about?" I asked a yawn escaping my mouth. Jaw clenched his grip on my thigh tightened. "I hate that guy" He spat grabbing his beer not putting it down until it was empty.

"I see you and Dirk haven't kissed and made up" Marko sighed taking his beer and getting to his feet. "I'm out I'll see you sometime tomorrow. Little Ava" He nodded before turning his back on us and disappearing through the back.

"I'm guessing you don't like that guy very much?" I mumbled closing my eyes as another yawn escaped my mouth. I was done in and wanted nothing more than to sleep for days. Blaze was still tense beside me and if he gripped my thigh any harder I was sure he would leave a mark. "Blaze?" I sighed snapping my fingers in front of his face. Blinking a few times he turned his head his eyes raking over my face. "Sorry sweets I was miles away" Releasing his grip he got to his feet and held out his hand.


"What was all that about?" I asked sitting crossed legged in the middle of the bed. Blaze wouldn't allow for me to go back into my house and the only suitable nightwear he grabbed was the outfit I had borrowed from his club, bullshit right?. Watching him tense from where he was sitting I knew he knew what I was talking about. Anyone would be daft if they hadn't of noticed the friction between both of them tonight.

"Bad blood darlin'. Guys a creep so stay away from him". Lighting up a cigarette he stood from the wooden chair he was sitting on and moved towards the window. "Do you think he's the rat?" I asked pulling the covers back so I could get in. Once I was comfortable I set my gaze back on his back. Watching him run a hand through his hair he stubbed out his cigarette and moved so he was sitting on the end of the bed. He needed a hair cut and maybe a shave but hell if he didn't look hot with a beard.

"You look tired" I whispered not realising I had voiced my thoughts until his eyes made contact with mine. When was the last time he got a full nights sleep? Was he planning on sleeping while we were here? Hearing my phone bleep I went to grab it from the nightstand only for Blaze to stand and beat me to it. The only thought running through my head was what if it was from Nate? Not thinking I moved quickly to try and grab it only for him to move it out of my reach.

"Give me my phone Blaze". I was not in the mood for playing around, especially not at this time. Catching the smirk that had made its way onto his face I felt my eyebrows crease. What was he smirking at? Throwing it to me I read the message and felt the heat spread over my cheeks. I was going to kill her when I got back.

"So are you planning on fucking this hot piece of ass?" He chuckled my face growing more red if that was possible. Why did Ally have to be so forward when it came to sex? "You been talking about me darlin'?" He asked as he slid his cut off his shoulders and throw it over the chair. As he pulled his jumper over his head his T-shirt went with it. I couldn't take my eyes of his body. How was it possible to be this beautiful. Looking into his eyes I noticed the way his jaw was locked and his teeth were clenched. It was as if he was trying to hold himself back. Braking our stare he turned so his back was facing me.

"Do all of you have that?" I asked my eyes running over the full length tattoo that took up his whole back. "Why is it a reaper?" I asked not realising I had moved until I was running my fingers over it. Watching his shoulders tense I pulled back my hand and moved slightly as he turned around.

"You get it once your patched in. Its a sign of brotherhood and commitment to the club. I would die for my club Ava and any of my brothers in it and its a reaper because a reaper is the sign of death, devils due, death. Do you get it?".

I had no idea what he was talking about but I just nodded my head. Maybe one day I would understand. "I've always wanted a tattoo I just don't know what or where to get it".


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