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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Wrapping the towel around my body I turned the shower off and stepped out. I was feeling more relaxed and at ease. Escaping back into the bedroom I grabbed my overnight bag and started rummaging through it afraid of what he had packed for me. Taking out the denim shorts and my guns and roses crop top I threw them onto the bed and continued to look for clean underwear. Coming up empty handed I cursed taking the bag in both hands and throwing it across the room.

Of course he forgot underwear!!

"Still not ready?"

Clenching my fists I turned glaring at him "I have no clean underwear. How could you have forgot to pack me underwear?" I asked trying to keep my cool. I didn't want to argue with him and my time here would be better if we got along. Ignoring me he walked across to where I had thrown my bag and picked it up. Glancing at him my mouth fell open when he pulled out several pair of panties.

"Next time check the zip compartment" He muttered dumping the pants into my hand.

"Sorry" I sighed taking a seat on the bed "I'm sorry for today, I'm sorry for disrespecting you in front of the other brothers. I'm sorry for making your time here bad".

"What's going on with you sweets? We've only been here a day. You homesick?"

"Yeah" I answered truthfully. I wasn't good at being around people I didn't know. When I had first come to New York it had took me a little time to settle in without my mom being there. It seemed so much easier to handle when I had people I knew around me. "I don't know anyone here Blaze. I have no idea how long we are going to be here. How is everyone back home? Has there been retaliation yet?".

"Wow you don't need to worry about that. Everything is getting sorted and I'm following up on your lead we shouldnt be here longer than a week".

"But I do worry Blaze. What if something happens to my mom? I couldn't live with myself if something happens to her".

"Hey" He whispered taking my hand in his "Nothing is going to happen to your mom or anyone else for that matter. You need to trust us a little bit more darlin'. Get some clothes on and I'll meet you out front okay?".

"Okay" I sighed as the door closed behind him.

Once I was ready I grabbed my bag putting it over my shoulder and making my way through the clubhouse.

"And you said you had no going out clothes! Woot woo give us a twirl Ava" Lexi giggled causing my full face to turn red. "He's out front but remember be back here for 4".

Walking the rest of the way with my head down I sighed a breath of relief once I made it outside. Catching sight of Blaze I noticed him talking in a hushed whisper to a fellow brother, one I had yet to meet.

"Ava this is Mick" Blaze said as I approached them. Giving him a small smile a yelp escaped my mouth as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. Placing my feet firmly back onto the ground I glanced at Blaze before setting my gaze back on Mick. "That's how I greet family darlin' I was your dads old VP before this little shit came along" He grinned punching Blaze on the shoulder. "You tell uncle Mick here if he's not treating you right darlin' and I'll sort him out ain't that right Blazy boy" He laughed

"I'm not-.."

"I'll always treat her right. Franko would have my balls if I didn't" Blaze smirked cutting me off.

"And I would have your head! She's a keeper Blaze don't let your dick rule your heart boy!. Anyway nice to see you again darlin' and Blaze I'll contact you later with what I find".

"Again?" I asked not realising I had voiced my thoughts.

"I can remember you running about the lot when you were a nipper. The only little girl that had everyone wrapped around there finger" He grinned ruffling my hair "it's nice to see you turned into a beautiful young girl".

Watching him walk away I frowned. Another person from my past that I had no recognition of. "That ones got a big heart" Blaze muttered as he mounted his bike. "It's gonna get the old bastard killed one day. Jump on sweets".

"He's seems lovely! Where are we going?" I asked taking the helmet and making sure it was securely fasten. Mounting the bike I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you".


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