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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

"You've been living it for the past few months and the time before you moved back home. This is where you belong Ava, it's in your blood it always will be".

"I don't know what I want Blaze and I haven't for a while now but I don't want to talk about it anymore because I don't want to argue with you and we both know that's what will happen. So let's just enjoy this and talk about something else".

"I hate that you're not mine" He sighed falling back against the grass.

"Everyone thinks I am" I whispered chewing on the inside of my lip once I caught the look he was giving me. "Both Lexi and Chantelle already think I'm your old lady especially more so now because you packed my case" I shrugged playing with the strands of grass under my finger tips.

"It's not the girls I need to convince they're not the one with dicks" Slipping his hand over mine he tugged on it "I'm not gonna push it any further babe but there will be a time I'll give up chasing you. No matter how much it pains me I am a man after all".

"And of course it all comes down to sex" I snapped pulling my hand from his and getting to my feet.

"That's not what I meant" Pulling on my hand he pulled me so my back was against his chest. "I'm getting older sweets and there will come a time where I want to settle down and have kids".

"I'm only 24" I whispered "I've just started my career and your talking about kids god Blaze I don't even know what I want for tea tonight. You can't drop a bomb on me like that and expect me to be okay with it" Breathing deeply I stalked away from him, I felt as though I couldn't breath like someone had pulled the air from my lungs.

"I'm a man that knows what he wants and that's you. It always has been and it always will be I'm just telling you how it is".

"Can you please take me back?" I asked feeling light headed all of a sudden.

"You look pale darlin', sit down" Taking my hand he sat down first and then pulled me into his lap "I'm sorry sweets I know what I said is a lot to take in but I had to get it out".

"I'm sorry I freaked out its just I'm not used to how things work. As you know already I've never done the boyfriend thing and you're over here talking about getting married and having kids. It's a lot to think about and I need some time to my self so I can figure out what I want".

"Let's just leave it at that, we'll head back because if we don't Lexi will have my balls. I swear she's just like one of the guys".

Giggling I pushed myself of him and got to my feet. "Is she gay?" I questioned as we walked towards his bike.

"She's a greedy bitch she likes both" Handing me my helmet I got on behind him wrapping my arms around his waist. "I like her and Chantelle I wish the girls back home were like those two" I yelled so he could hear me over the engine.


"Give me 5 minutes and I'll be ready to go" Lexi yelled as soon as I stepped foot inside the clubhouse.

"Come see me before you go" Blaze whispered as he ran his fingers over the bare skin of my back before making his way over to the guys. Taking a seat on one of the stools at the bar I grinned when Lexi placed a beer in front of me.

"Thanks Lexi".

Lifting my beer I was about to take a drink when I felt a presence beside me. "You feeling any better kid?" Marko

"Yeah" I smiled taking a sip of my beer. I was feeling better and I had Blaze to thank for that. Having a little quiet time was exactly what I needed.

"Good darlin' and if anyone says anything to you again then you tell me. Regardless if its male or female I won't have you disrespected in my club". Placing his hand on my shoulder he gave it a gentle squeeze. Why did I have a feeling he was up to something or he wanted something. "You going out with Lexi and Chantelle?" He asked

"Yes! Is that a problem?" I frowned

"Naw darlin' but do me a favour and put a smile on that ones face". He nodded his head over to the corner of the room. Following his movement I noticed Blaze sitting on his own. "I need him to have his head on straight and right now it's else where. Think you could fix that for me?"

"Eh I'll try" I shrugged wondering what he was expecting me to do.

"Good lass" He grinned kissing the top of my head before disappearing.

"Ready to go?" Lexi beamed snapping me out of my thoughts. Grinning at her I nodded my head excitedly. I hadn't been out in so long so I was really looking forward to it.

"I just have to speak to Blaze first" I said following him with my eyes as he disappeared down the hall.

"Make it a quickie" She winked causing a blush to spread over my cheeks. Shaking my head I followed after him. Coming to a stop in front of the room we were sharing I peeked through the crack to see him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I had never seen him this way before and something deep inside me didn't like it. Slipping through the gap I walked over to him, his head snapping up at my intrusion. Not thinking about my next move I pushed my self into his lap taking him by surprise.

"I don't like seeing you like this" I whispered my arms automatically going around his neck. This felt right in every way, me in his lap with my arms around his neck! I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel good. Was I being stupid for not taking a chance on him?


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