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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64

"A new phone" I said grabbing a hold of my phone and throwing it against the wall.

"You sure that was a good idea?" Nate asked picking up what was left of my phone.

Shrugging my shoulders I ran a hand through my hair. "Probably wasn't the best idea but it felt damn good and now I can relax without my phone going off every 20 seconds".

Taking a seat beside me he placed his hand on my knee. "They'll be really worried about you Ava. I know what my brothers like he won't stop until he finds you and your dad, he'll have everyone on high alert if you don't phone him back".

"Why do you care Nate? You're the one that told me I need to get out before I get myself killed". I snapped immediately regretting it. Nate wasn't to blame for this and he didn't need to stand here and put up with my shit.

"Not like this Ava. Do you really want your mom stressing out and worrying about you when she's so close to having her baby? Your little brother or sister?".

Hearing those words my stomach dropped and I felt nothing but guilt. He was right I couldn't put my mom through this.

"I don't want to stress her out but if I call her back my dad will order me to phone Blaze and get him to come for me. I'm sick of people telling me what to do".

"Why don't you send them a text? Say you're safe and with a friend and you'll be back with Blaze tomorrow?" Nate asked slipping his phone into my lap.

"Do you want me to go back to Blaze?" I blurted out. I really need to think things through before I say them out loud.

"Just send the text Ava I'll come back and get my phone in a bit I have some work to take care of" He answered completely ignoring my question.

The more time I spent with Nate I realised he wasn't that much different from Blaze. As Nate reached the bedroom door my question stopped him in his tracks.

"Do you ever speak to him?" I asked watching as his full body tensed. I was taking that as a no but I wanted to know what was going on between them. "Nate?" I whispered as he turned around to face me.

"We don't speak I send him a text every now and then to make sure he's doing okay. I make sure he's got cash and I also wire money into his account every month. He's my little brother and regardless of what he says I still care for him and look out for him".

"Don't you miss having him around?" I asked probably over stepping the mark but I wanted to see how far I could get without being shut down.

"I don't want to talk about my relationship with my brother Ava. Now if you don't mind I have work to do".

"Okay" I sighed as the bedroom door slammed shut behind him.

I think I hit a nerve.

I had sat for at least an hour twirling Nate's phone in my hand. I hadn't sent a message to my mom yet and I have no idea what was holding me back. Would they all be that worried? Would my dad go that far as to send out a message to all the charters? Feeling the vibration against my hand Nate's phone fell onto the bed face up. Catching a glimpse of the text my heart dropped.

'Cheers Nate I owe you one. Keep her there until morning'

Why the hell was my dad texting Nate? And then it hit me. Seeing red I clenched his phone tightly in my hand and jumped of the bed. So he wasn't letting me stay here because he cares about me he was keeping me here because my dad asked him to. What was Nate's part in all of this? Hearing a knock at the door I spun around my eyes falling into slits. How could he do this to me? What was he getting out of it?

"Ava are you okay? Can I come in?" He asked

Storming towards the door I pulled it open and pushed past him. "I'm leaving I have to go" I said rushing towards the kitchen so I could retrieve my purse. "Ava what's happened? Did you contact your dad?" He asked walking towards me. Clenching my fists I grit my teeth, he was still lying to me.

"I didn't have to contact my dad because you already did" I snapped watching his eyes snap to my hand. Oh I forgot I still had his phone it would be a shame if I just so happened to smash it off his face.

"Ava look.."-

"No Nate you look" I said cutting him off "Why did you tell my dad I was here? You're the one that wants me to be happy and try and get out of it all yet your running back to my dad telling him everything. What else have you told him?" I asked curious as to how much my dad actually knew.

"He came to me Ava because you fucking told him you had met me" He snapped the tone in his voice making me jump. "I don't believe in what your dad or the club do but I respect your old man".

"You're just like the rest of them" I whispered shaking my head. Gripping my bag tightly I about turned and walked towards the door. "I think it's safe to say I won't be seeing you again. My head might be all over the place Nate but I liked you I really liked you".

"That was the first and only time I have been in contact with your dad for a long time. He called me and I told him I hadn't seen you in months but when I overheard the sobs coming from your mom I couldn't not tell him you were here and you were safe. I don't know how he got my number Ava heck I don't know why he would think you would be with me but he's your dad and he cares about you more than you will ever know".


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