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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Blinking my eyes open I realised I couldn't move Nate was wrapped around my body like a vine and I couldn't stop the smile that was plastered across my face. Agreeing to be with him might cause a lot of conflict but right now I didn't care I'd worry about it later.

"Morning beautiful" He whispered rolling over onto his back. "Sleep well?". I'd be lying if I said I didn't I slept like a baby. Yawning I sat up and stretched my arms "I've not slept like that in a long time" I grinned my eyes falling onto his naked chest.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I swallowed hard. How was it possible to have a body like Nate's? He wasn't lying when he told me everyone was little compared to him. He was huge everywhere. Dropping my gaze further my breath caught in my throat when I noticed he was very excited this morning. Averting my gaze quickly I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. Yeah he was definitely huge everywhere. Hearing him chuckle I knew I had been caught red handed which only made my cheeks flush  more.

"That's cute" He chuckled placing his hands behind his head.

"Stop laughing at me" I pouted covering my face with my hands. I was female and it's hard not to look when it's basically staring you in the face.

"I love how innocent you are baby, you hungry?"

Right on cue my stomach rumbled causing Nate to laugh out loud. "I'm taking that as a yes. Let's order some room service". Just as he got out of bed his phone started ringing. When did he put it on loud and I thought he hated Trey Songz? Raising my eyebrows at him I couldn't help but smile. "I thought my taste in music was disturbing?" I smirked as 'Touchin' lovin' blared from his phone. Grabbing his phone from his jeans pocket he glanced at it before looking at me.

"It's for you" Scratching the back of his head he accepted the call putting it on loud speaker.

"Nate put my daughter on the phone please".


"It's on speaker mom".

"Ava what the hell are you playing at? Do you have any idea.." Quickly grabbing Nate's phone I turned it off speaker and made my way into the bathroom.

"You could have gotten killed or raped anything could have happened to you and you didn't care. And what the hell is this thing with Nate. Is Blaze out of the picture now? Ava that will cause a war"..

"Mom take a breath" I sighed taking a seat on the edge of the bath.

"Don't tell me to take a breath Ava Maria..-"

"Mom" I yelled cutting her off "Just stop it okay. Stop fussing every time I go somewhere without Blaze. He's not my boyfriend and he's definitely not my keeper and as for Nate he has nothing to do with this or the club so just keep him out of it". Taking a deep breath I waited for her reply.

"You're playing a very dangerous game Ava and..-"

"I'm not playing any games mom" I sighed rubbing at my temples. "Listen I have-.."

"Don't you dare hang up this phone Ava do you hear me. You have been nothing but trouble since you came here and you're acting like an immature spoilt brat" She hissed my breath catching in my throat by her harsh words. "Grow up and step into the real world. You don't get to fuck around with a biker and agree to become his old lady and then change your mind. You have put this club through hell and I won't stand for it anymore-.."

"But he can fuck anyone he wants?" I roared "I won't be with someone that sticks it in every female he see's. I won't just turn a blind eye and have everyone laughing behind my back because he can't keep it in his pants. Do you know what you won't have to stand for it anymore because I'm not coming home". Throwing the phone off the wall I screamed at the top of my lungs before I burst into tears. Feeling arms circle my waist I buried my head into his chest and cried like a baby.

Nate held me tightly in his arms the whole time I had my mini breakdown. I had no idea how long we had sat on the bathroom floor but I couldn't for the life of me find the energy to move.


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