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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68

"Where we going boss?" Shane asked as soon as I closed the door behind me.

"You hungry?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder so he could pull me closer. I was starving but I wanted to go home have a bath and then sleep. Shaking my head no I listened as Nate told him to drive straight home.

"How did you know I was ready to leave?" I asked a yawn escaping my mouth.

"Looks like your dad saved my number oh and congratulations big sis" He grinned kissing the top of my head. Smiling I lifted my head from his chest and pecked him on the lips "Thank you".

"Sorry about being an ass earlier"He whispered running his fingers up and down my arm.

We had bigger problems!

"He knows Nate"

"Who knows?" He asked

Pulling away from him I sat up so I could look at him. "Blaze knows and I don't know what to do I don't know what he's going to do". I didn't want to feel guilty about the situation and I know I shouldn't but it was eating away at me already.

I was scared.

"He knows about us?" He questioned

"He knows I know you he thinks we're having sex. What if he does something stupid Nate? With all this shit going down with the club I'm afraid he'll do something reckless".

"Blaze is a big boy Ava who can take care of himself. He'll be pissed but does he have a right to be? You two were never a thing so he doesn't have the right to be angry. I get why he is angry but he blew his chance and I'm sorry but I'm glad he did because if he didn't you wouldn't be sitting here right now". Taking my hand in his he brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. "I'm serious about this Ava I want to give it a good shot all I'm asking from you is that you try too".

"I want to try too Nate" Smiling up at him I lay my head against his chest and enjoyed the rest of the drive to his house.

"Do you think you could drop me off at my house?" I asked as the car started to slow down. It had been one hell of a day and I just wanted my own bed with no one there to bug me or babysit me.

"You sure?" He asked

"Yeah it's been a rough day and I just want to be on my own and sleep in my own bed".

"And there I thought I was going to be lucky enough to wake up next to your gorgeous face" He grinned. "It's not a problem babe I'll drop you off".


Kissing him goodbye Nate never drove off until I was inside. Locking the door behind me I leaned against it and closed my eyes. It had been one long ass day and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I had no idea what was going to happen but I knew it was going to blow up in my face. My mom was the only person that knew I was dating Nate and I was dreading what my dad would say when he found out.

Pushing my self of the door I kicked of my shoes and went straight to the kitchen. I needed some wine and defiantly some chocolate. Taking the chilled bottle out the fridge I opened my cupboard and reached for a glass. Now I just needed some chocolate and I was good to go. Turning around my breath caught in my throat as the bottle slipped from my hands smashing all over the kitchen floor.

"I'm not that scary sweets".

"What are you doing here Blaze and how did you even get in?" I sighed really not in the mood for whatever he was here for. Bending down I started picking up the larger bits of glass.

"I want to know how" He said

"How what?" I asked really not in the mood for this. All I wanted was to drink my wine and eat my chocolate in peace was that to much to ask? Draining the water from my mop I started cleaning up the spilled wine. What a bloody waste. Spraying some bleach onto the floor I gave it another once over before going into the fridge and taking out another bottle. Pouring some into a glass I took a sip and closed my eyes as it slid down my throat.

"How you met him" He spat

"I met him in a bar I had no idea he was your brother Blaze". I said honestly.

"Are you fucking him?" He asked causing me to choke on my wine.

"No" I hissed placing my glass onto the counter. Why did he have to say it like that? Why couldn't he just ask if we were having sex?


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