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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

And then he was gone.

"You and you and you your gonna love me"....

Singing at the top of my lungs I stepped out the shower wrapping the towel around my body.

I was happy.

For once I woke up looking forward to what lay ahead. I was going back to work and because my car was still at the clubhouse Nate was picking me up. Rubbing another towel through my hair I left the bathroom and made my way down to the kitchen.

It sure was a beautiful day outside.

Putting some bread into the toaster I dropped my towel and pulled on the clean panties and bra that were hanging on my clothes horse. The best thing about having my own house? Strutting about naked and not giving a damn.

Dancing away as my music played from upstairs I couldn't help but smile. I felt different and as stupid as it may sound I felt free. Hearing a knock at the door only made my smile grow wider.

He was early.

"Coming" I yelled, prancing over to the door I pulled it open. "Why did-Oh shit" I yelped slamming the door in his face. Taking a deep breath I opened the door back up this time only showing my head.

"I'm so sorry I thought you were my boyfriend. Can I help you?" I asked feeling embarrassed. There's nothing like answering the door in your underwear to who you thought was your boyfriend and it turns out to be a delivery driver.

"Don't mind me" He grinned "I have a parcel for you I just need you to sign and I'll be in my way".

A parcel?

"Are you sure you have the right address?" I questioned. I wasn't into taking stuff when I didn't know what it was or who sent it.

"Are you Ava Mendez?" He asked


"Then it's definitely for you" Placing the parcel on my front step he handed me his electronic pad so I could sign for it.

"Do you know what it is?" I asked handing him his pad back. Who could be sending me stuff? And more importantly what the hell was it?

"I only deliver the good miss now you have a good day" He smiled turning his back on me and walking back to his van.

Once he was gone I reached out and picked the parcel up shaking it slightly. Closing the front door I walked back to the kitchen and sat it on the table taking a seat I stared at it for a few seconds.

Shrugging my shoulders I ripped the packaging open only one persons name coming to mind when I saw what it was.

A new IPhone!


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