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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71

"You can't do anything about it Fanko she has made up her mind and if she doesn't want to be with Blaze then you have to respect her decision. So what ever the hell you're thinking stop right now". My mom hissed

Standing at the door to the room my mom was in I frowned. My dad wasn't happy because I wasn't with Blaze?

"Blaze can protect her" He snapped "She's got her head in the fucking clouds Aubrey thinking she can just run away from it all it doesn't work like that".

"Keep you voice down" My mom growled "I know that and you know that but Ava isn't the type of girl to stand around and let him do what he wants. She's happy Franko please don't do anything to upset her".

"Happy with fucking Nate?" He huffed "She moved from one brother to another, that doesn't say much for our darling daughter now does it?"

"And what do you mean by that dad?" I spat as I entered the room closing the door behind me.

"You know exactly what I mean Ava and as soon as you found out Nate was related to Blaze you should have walked away. Do you know what this could do to his reputation?" He spat

"His reputation?" I laughed "What about what he did to me? How he treated your daughter? Huh? Does that not matter?" I yelled.

"You knew exactly what you were getting into the minute you walked through those clubhouse doors and set eyes on him. This is the life you are meant to lead you are meant to be with Blaze not Nate dammit" My dad roared causing a cry to break through the air.


"Stop it both of you" My mom cried picking up Leighton and holding him to her chest.

"I'm sorry mom" I whispered walking to where she stood. As he settled down she sat on the side of the bed not taking her eyes of him. "Take it outside and away from him I don't want anything else disturbing him".

"Outside Ava now".

"I have nothing else to say to you and in case you haven't noticed I'm working" I tried my hardest to keep my voice down but it was hard not to yell at him.

"This isn't over Ava".

"Franko go for a smoke and calm down" My mom hissed putting a sleeping Leighton back in his cot.

"Why are you so bothered about this? I don't want to be with Blaze can't you see that?" I asked. "Nate makes me happy isn't that important?".

"Life isn't about being happy darlin' it's about doing what needs to get done. You agreed to be his old lady and then you change your mind to be with a rich preppy bastard" He spat

"Leave Nate out of this" I snapped gritting my teeth together. Trying to keep my cool I turned my back on them and left the room. Taking a deep breath a cry of protest fell from my lips as my dad grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me through the hospital.

"Let me go" I hissed as he pushed open the emergency door and outside away from everyone. "You're hurting me" I cried stepping away from him as he let me go. I hadn't forgotten what my dad could do and neither had my jaw.

"What are you playing at?" I snapped rubbing at my arm. "Are you crazy?".

"No what the hell are you playing at? You're going to get yourself killed Ava". Pulling out a smoke he lit it and took a long draw.

"And being around your club is safe?" Huffing I crossed my arms over my chest. "I've been in nothing but danger since I came here and you think being with Nate is going to get me killed".

"You really don't know what club life is like do you?"

"Of course I fucking don't I never grew up in it and how thankful am I that I didn't" I snapped


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