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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70

"Do you need me to pick you up tonight?" He asked as he pulled up outside the hospital. It was weird Nate driving instead of Shane especially when he was going to work.

"I don't know what time I'll get off at and I have to drop by the clubhouse and pick up my car". Did I want to go back there no but I needed my car.

"Sounds like you don't want to go there" He said cutting off the engine. Snorting I smoothed my hands down my dress. "I don't but I need my car".

"Could always by you a new one"

Turning my head towards him I swatted his arm. "I don't need a new car Nate and I definitely don't want one".

"A nice new Audi" He grinned

"I'm leaving now" I laughed taking off my seat belt. "Thank you for dropping me off". Leaning over I placed both hands on his cheeks and kissed him.

"A nice blue one to go with your eyes".

"Stop it I don't need a new car Nate and you better not get me one. And the iPhone why did you buy me a new phone?" I wasn't being ungrateful but I wasn't interested in how much money he had. I didn't want nor need for him to buy me anything.

"Because I can and I wanted to now don't have dinner tonight I'll get something in well that's if you're dropping by mine?"

Shaking my head I fought off my grin "Yes if I get off at a reasonable time. I have to go I'll see you tonight" Pushing the car door open I grabbed my bag before stepping out. "Don't work to hard now" I winked closing the door behind me and making my way into the hospital.

Smiling at everyone I passed I walked into my office shutting the door behind me. Flicking the kettle on I was about to sit behind my desk when my door was pushed open.

"Thank god you're back" Ally squealed rushing behind my desk and pulling me into a hug. "I have missed you it's not the same without you here". She beamed as she let go. "How are you? Are you glad to be back? Oh Mr Jenkins is already asking for you".

"Ally" I grinned placing my hands on her shoulders "Take a breath".

"Sorry I get a little excited sometimes and I really have missed working with you". Taking a seat on the chair in front of my desk she let out a big breath. "So everything's good then?".

Laughing I fixed myself and Ally a coffee before taking a seat. "Not good but getting there. What's been happening here?". I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"Same old nothing exciting which is why I'm glad my partner in crime is back. How's baby Leighton?" She beamed.

"I haven't spoke with my mom since last night but as far as I know everything is good he's perfect" I smiled. I really couldn't wait to see him again.

"You do know your moms still here right?" She asked.


"We wanted to keep her in for a few days just as a precaution. Nothing is wrong but she did lose a lot of blood when giving birth".


"Who's with her?"

"Your dad hasn't left her side and there's a few members lurking in the maternity waiting area".

"I'll go and see her later on when I have some free time. So how are you and Cage?" I smirked when I noticed the blush spread over her cheeks. I'm guessing they were good.


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