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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73

"It's just work related" I lied "Anyway enough about that, what are you feeding me tonight?" I asked. Hearing his laughter on the other end of the phone made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"I'll feed you whatever you fancy baby just as long as you don't expect me to cook it". Now it was my turn to laugh. Just as I was about to reply my beeper started. "Listen Nate I have to go but I'll call you once I'm finished if it's not too late".

"Doesn't matter if it's too late Ava call me at anytime you know that".

"I know I really have to go I'll speak soon bye". Disconnecting the call I placed my phone in my top drawer and left my office.

Leaving my office my stomach dropped when I noticed Josh speaking with two men that looked very much like cops. You have got to be kidding me? Surely he wasn't stupid enough to phone the police? Not that I blame him right enough no one deserves to be attacked at their work place. Walking towards then I stopped as I approached them.

"Dr Mendez this is lieutenant Michelson and his partner detective Jamison. There's been a hit and run and they just want to discuss the patient".

Shaking both their hands I gave them a forced smile. Something told me they already knew who I was especially with the look they were both giving me.

"Nice to meet you but could you maybe discuss it with my colleague here?" I asked as my beeper starter up again. "Josh I'm sure you're capable of taking care of this yes?". Before Josh could answer lieutenant Michelson spoke up.

"I'm afraid not Miss Mendez it has to be you. You are in charge here are you not?"

"I am but as you can see I am very busy" I said giving him a tight smile. It didn't have to be me I'm sure Josh could handle it and fill me in later. "Josh will answer all your questions but I really have to go" I said as my bleeped started going once again. "Sorry".

As I started to walk away an arm clamped around my wrist. "We like to deal with the person in charge Miss Mendez".

"Take your hand off of me detective Jamison" Something wasn't right about these two. They gave of a weird vibe and my gut was telling me to get the hell away from them.

"We are only trying to do our job it will only take a short bit of your time".

"And I am trying to do my job now please remove your hand from my arm. I told you Josh can handle it now if you would excuse me" Walking away from them I moved quickly down the halls not realising where I was going until I closed the door behind me.

Turning around I leaned against the door letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding

"A you look like you've seen a ghost what's wrong?" My mom asked.

"Where's dad" I questioned all sorts of thoughts running through my head. Were those guys real cops? Something felt off!

"He had to take care of a few things what's wrong Ava?" She asked again

"Nothing nothing's wrong I- I have to get back to work I'll come and see you later on before you get discharged". With my hand on the door knob I froze as my full name fell from her lips.

"Ava Maria Mendez I know when you are hiding something now tell me what the hell is going on and why you're asking for your dad. You never ask for your dad".

"Nothing is wrong mom" I lied "Now I have to go" Rushing out the door and down the corridor I turned a corner slamming into a hard chest almost falling to the ground if it wasn't for the arms that circled my waist.

"Woah you okay?"

Nate... Nate was here?

Circling my arms around his waist I held him close to me. I was a little freaked out with the way those cops treated me. You don't just grab a doctor like that or speak to one the way they did.

"Ava what's wrong?" He asked pulling back slightly so he could look into my eyes. "You're as white as a sheet what's happened?".

"I'm okay I just haven't had anything to eat yet" I lied. I couldn't tell him the truth I couldn't tell him what was running through my head because if I did and what I thought was true then me telling him would mean involving him and I didn't want that. Nate was too good of a person to be involved with the shit that's been happening.


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