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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74

"I'll try and if you become sick you're in good hands" I grinned playfully hitting his shoulder. "Now I have to get back to work come over about 7?" I said it coming out as more of a question.

Grabbing me by the waist he pulled me against him. "I'll be there at 6. 45" He whispered his eyes flicking toward my lips. Feeling my heartbeat quicken I grabbed a hold of his shirt, stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips against his. Too caught up in the kiss I didn't here the door to my office opening.

"Well if it isn't Nate fucking Thomas"..

Realising my grip on Nate's shirt I took a step back and turned to face my dad. Cheeks scarlet I started chewing my bottom lip. Why did he have to come in at that precise moment and didn't he know how to knock?

"Franko" Nate gave him a curt nod "Good to see you're still breathing".

"Fucking untouchable" My dad grinned taking a cigarette from is cut and that was my cue to open my mouth.

"Don't you dare light that up in here dad" I said folding my arms across my chest. "What are you even doing here?" I asked really hoping he would have left by now.

Rolling his eyes he mumbled something under his breath before sticking the cigarette behind his ear. "We're having a celebration dinner tonight in honour of Leighton being born and..-"

"I'm not going to be able to make it" I said cutting him off. Not that I didn't want to be there it's just I wasn't ready to go back to the clubhouse and in all honesty I didn't want to have an other argument with Blaze.

"Oh you'll fucking be there Ava it's for your brother so what ever you have planned can wait" He glared his gaze moving as Nate's hand slipped into mine "And sorry Nate but you aren't fucking invited. 7 o'clock Ava and not a minute later".

"I'm not coming" I glared hating how he thinks it's alright to speak to my boyfriend like that. I know Nate is Blazes brother but he isn't going anywhere and I won't stand for him being out casted.

"7 o'clock sweetheart and not a minute fucking later" Turning his back on us he slammed the door shut behind him.

"I'm sorry about him Nate" I sighed falling into my chair. How did he think it was alright for him to come in here and tell me what to do? Or speak to me like that in front of Nate.

Leaning against my desk he crossed his arms over his chest. "You don't have to apologise for him Ava I wasn't expecting to get any other sort of greeting from him. Right now I am his worst nightmare".

Now he had lost me.

"I'm dating his daughter and I bet it kills him to even look at me" He smirked

Shrugging my shoulders I had a pretty good idea why he was the way he was with Nate but I wasn't willing to share it. "Enough about my dad be at my place for 6. 45" I smiled pushing my self onto my feet.

"Go to dinner tonight with your family Ava and before you protest remember it's for Leighton and not your dad".

He was right but it still didn't make me want to go but then if I had him with me I'm sure it would make me feel a lot better.

"I know that look babe and I don't think it's the best idea at the moment especially when they have just found out about us. Me going with you would just cause drama and I don't want that. Go to the dinner tonight and we'll spend all day tomorrow together".

Pouting my bottom lip out I slid my arms around his shoulders. "They will get used to us being together and if they don't then screw them but you're right and I don't want to cause a scene". Pecking him on the lips I pulled back just as my phone started vibrating.

"I better let you get back to work" He said giving me another kiss before leaving and letting me get on with my day.

Checking my phone I grit my teeth together at the message that lay there.

'Change of plan sweets! Looks like we'll have that talk tonight at the clubhouse! 7pm don't be late'

After deleting his text I shoved my phone into my pocket and left my office. Plastering a smile on my face it automatically fell when I saw Ally rushing towards me. Slipping her arm through mine she pulled me into the staff toilets checking each cubical.

"Ally what's going on?" I asked not liking the feeling that started in the pit of my stomach.


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