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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" She asked passing me a glass of wine.

"I slept with Blaze in the broom closet" Gulping down my wine I hung my head. I was angry at myself, angry that I couldn't stop it from happening.

"Did you want it to happen?"

"Of course I didn't but I didn't stop it from happening either. I'm so stupid Ally and I've probably lost the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wish he would just stay away from me".

"What are you going to do?" She asked topping up my glass.

"I don't know Ally and I don't know how I'm going to tell Nate. He's been so good to me and that's how I repay him by sleeping with his brother. I'm just like those girls back at the clubhouse" I sniffed rubbing a hand down my face.

"You made a mistake Ava everyone does it and that's how we learn".

"He makes the worst come out in me. He turns me into someone I don't recognise and I don't like it". I whispered just as her phone started ringing.

Looking down at her screen she frowned "Why is Blaze calling me?" She asked handing me the phone. "Tell him I'm in the shower or something" I said pushing it back to her.

Truth be told I didn't want to speak with him, I didn't want to see him. Watching as she disappeared into the kitchen I grabbed my bag digging inside for my phone.

4missed calls! So that's why he phoned Ally.

"Do you want to freshen up before we head over?" She asked as she slipped on her brown wedges heels.

Shaking my head no I got up and slipped my shoes back on. I didn't give a rats ass what I looked like and I wasn't planning on staying long anyway.

"You don't want to go here tonight do you?" Grabbing her keys from the mantelpiece she gave herself a once over in the mirror.

"Not really but I'd rather show face than get my ear chewed off by my dad so let's get going he'll be pissed that I'm already fifteen minutes late".

On the drive over we sat in comfortable silence which gave me some time to think. I was disgusted with myself and the guilt was eating at me but why did it feel right when we had sex? Why was it that every time we were alone my heart felt like it was going to burst? Should I just give up and give in and be with him?

"You okay?" Ally asked as we stopped at a red light.

"I'm just tired, tired of all this bullshit. I literally don't know how much more of it I can take. I had everything planned out and now it's not even worth it. It's getting to the point I don't even want to be here".

Blaze fucked with my head over and over again he also broke my heart yet he can't seem to let me go. And now he's falling in love with me? I didn't get it.

"You gotta just keep going Ava everything will turn out the way it's meant to" Reaching over she squeezed my knee before turning into the car park of the clubhouse.

Holding my bag securely on my arm I took a deep breath as I stepped out the car.

"It's about time some eye candy got here"

Rolling my eyes at Cage I walked on in front leaving the two of them alone. Pushing open the clubhouse door the first thing I noticed was the huge dining table set out in the middle of the floor. My mom really pushed the boat out on this one and to my surprise there was not a club girl in sight.

"Ava honey I'm glad you decided to come. Your mom said you might not have been able to make it. Do you want something to drink?" Lily asked as she smiled at me.


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