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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Cheater! That's what I was.

Buttoning up my blouse I tucked it back into my skirt. What had I just done? Feeling his arms circle my waist made me feel physically sick. Now I was just like him. A cheater, a liar.

"You okay darlin'?"

How could I have been so stupid?

"I have to go" I muttered slipping out of his arms and out of the closet. Basically running to my office I locked the door behind me once I was safely inside. Sliding down the door I burst into tears.

What the fuck was wrong with me? I was no different from him. I was so fucking stupid to even let him touch me. Running my hands into my hair I screamed through my tears. How could I have let him get to me like that? How am I going to tell Nate?

Nate! Sweet, sweet Nate....

Feeling my phone vibrate from inside my pocket I pulled it out my moms number flashing on the screen. Wiping away my tears I cleared my throat before answering.

"Hi" I croaked pulling the phone away from my ear and putting it on loud speaker.

"Hey honey just checking you're still coming tonight?"

"I- I don't know if I can mom I'm up to my eye balls in it here"

"But Ava it's to welcome... Wait have you been crying?" She asked her voice automatically changing tone.

How could she always tell?

"No mom it's just been a long day that's all I can't promise I'll be there for 7 but I will drop by as soon as I can. Give him a big kiss from me okay" I said hoping she didn't push the crying question further.

Hearing her sigh I knew she wasn't going to let it go but I really didn't want to talk about what I had just done.

"Are you sure you're okay baby? If you can't make it tonight Ava it's okay. You can always spend time with him when you get a day off. Are you taking care of yourself properly? Eating right? Getting enough sleep?".

Rolling my eyes I grinned at how worried she always got. "I'll try and be there mom and yes I'm fine stop worrying about me".

"I'll always worry about you Ava and remember I'll always be here if you need to talk and I mean talk about anything. I'll set a place for you just in case you make it. Don't work to hard and I hope I see you tonight. Take care baby, bye".

Ending the call I slipped my phone back into my pocket and got up from the floor. Putting on the kettle I slouched into the chair behind my desk. Why did I let him get to me like that? If things weren't already bad enough I had just made them worse. Resting my arms on my desk I lay my head in my hands.

Stupid stupid bitch...

Taking out my phone it vibrated in my hand showing I had one new message.

'Is it safe to come in? Well that's if you even want me there? Ally x

Not bothering to text back I pushed myself onto my feet and unlocked the door. Walking back to my desk I grabbed my mug and went on to make some coffee.

"Want me to lock it again?" She asked

Stirring my coffee I shrugged my shoulders at her question. I wasn't in the mood to talk or to be here. I felt horrible inside for what I had done.


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