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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84

"This really has you scared doesn't it?" He whispered running his hand up and down my good arm.

"Terrified and I don't know how to handle it. I can't always depend on you being here but I always feel safe when you're around".

"Do you mean that?" He asked resting his hand on my stomach.

What was the point in lying to him? After the accident I realised life was to short to waste. There was no need for us to be fighting all the time.

"Yes" I whispered because it was the truth. No matter how many times I tried to block him out or cut him from my life. He was the man that had my heart and I couldn't lie about my feelings anymore.

"Then why push me away?" He asked

We're we really going to do this now?

"You already know why Blaze I've screamed it at you plenty of times".

"I know" He sighed

"Then why ask me again? You already know you hurt me in more ways than one but I'm over it now. Life is to short to be angry all the time and I'm sick of being angry Blaze".

"So what happens now?" He asked playing with  a strand of my hair.

Good question....

"I don't know Blaze what does happen now?" I asked repeating his question. I didn't know what to do and then there was Nate. Were we still together? Did I still want to be with him? My head was all over the place but when it came down to it Nate wasn't the one that was here, Nate wasn't the one sat by my bed for three weeks. Nate's arms weren't the ones that were currently wrapped around me like a vine. All in all Nate wasn't Blaze.

"It's up to you sweetheart the balls in your court" He whispered

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I lifted my head from his chest so I could look at him. "What's wrong you getting sore? You needing some pain relief? Ally"... Placing my finger over his lips I grinned. Nate wasn't the one fussing over me like I was a big deal right now.

"I'm fine" I smiled

"You sure?" He asked his eyebrows dropping into a frown.


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