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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85


"You want to get up?" He asked grabbing his smokes from the beside table. Was it day light outside already? Why do I feel so tired?

"I could murder a coffee" I yawned dying to stretch my limbs but knowing it would hurt to much.

"You want to come with or are you okay staying here?" He asked getting out of bed and pulling on his jeans. When did he take them off?

What was he going to think if I tell him I'm to afraid to be on my own? Even though I know I'm safe and no one can get me here I still don't want to be left alone.

"Babe?" He questioned knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Can I come with?" I asked as he began to pull the covers off my legs. As he carefully lifted me into his arms a thought popped into my head.

"Didn't they give me crutches?" Surely they did I mean I have a broken leg and can't walk.

"Yeah but I like carrying you" He grinned as he walked us into the kitchen. Sitting me on the counter he went to fix us some coffee while I just stared at him. Hearing the thumping and the hissed voices my eyebrows creased.

"He'll go nuts if you wake her" Jared whispered as he walked into the kitchen Cage following behind him.

"Wake who?" I smiled taking the steaming hot cup from Blaze.

"Never mind she's awake. How you doing sweet tits?" Cage smirked earning him a slap around the head from Blaze.

Sweet tits?

"I'm great needle dick" I grinned causing Blaze to choke on his coffee. "That's my girl" He winked as I looked at him from over my cup.

"You're funny but seriously how you feeling?" He asked rubbing at his head.

"Sore" I shrugged "But alive". What else could I say?

"Fucking not right" Jared piped up "Look at her Blaze! When are we going to hit back man?"

"Jared" Blaze hissed his eyes going from Jared's to mine. Did I really look that bad? I hadn't looked at my face yet.

"No fucking wonder! They had the nerve to run our prez' daughter off the road and we're doing fuck all about it?"

"Jared not here" Blazed snapped

"Its not right is all am saying. We should be out gunning for blood"

"And we fucking will" My dad growled making me jump. When did he come in?

"Ava" He asked his eyes going wide when he saw me sitting there. "Why the fuck are you out of the hospital?".

Wait so if he didn't tell my dad he brought me home? That means.....


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