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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86

"I know what you're thinking Blaze" Sighing I placed my crutches under my arms and hobbled back to the bed. It was written all over his face and he never was one for hiding his emotions. "They are just bruises that will heal with time". My face looked like I had gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson.

"It just makes me angry every time I look at you. I should have dragged your ass with me like I was going to" He growled running a hand through his hair.

Frowning I took a seat on the bed placing my crutches next to me. What was he talking about? "Dragged my ass to where? What are you talking about?".

"Never mind forget it do you want me to go get your mom so you can get washed?"

I wanted to know what he was talking about but I didn't want to push him. He had some temper and with the way his eyes were boring into the floor I knew he was close to going off on one.

"Can you just do it?" I whispered his head snapping up and his eyes meeting mine. It's not as if he hasn't seen it all before. "I - I mean if you don't want to" I stuttered pushing my hair out of my face.

"It's not that I don't want to babe it's just-" Sighing he rubbed a hand over his face. "It's fine I'll get my mom to help" I smiled before he could finish what he was going to say.

"How about I take you somewhere when you get cleaned up?" He asked as I got to my feet crutches in hand and the door to his room opened.

"Everything alright in here?" My mom asked a questioning look on her face.

"Yes why wouldn't it be?" I asked taking a seat on the bed. Those damn crutches were going to take ages for me to get used to.

"Too quiet and you two alone together means it's never quiet. You are usually tearing each other's-..."

"Mom" I sighed cutting her off "Everything is fine but I will need your help to get ready".

"Can you wait an hour? I just have to pop out with your dad".


I really wanted to get out of this hospital gown and into my own clothes.

"I swear we won't be longer than 1 hour. Blaze you look after her" She said rushing out of the room without giving me time to answer.

"Great" I said rolling my eyes "Can you please just help me get washed?" I asked


"I need you to untie the knot at the back" I said as we both stood in the bathroom. It was nice to see he had replaced the mirror I had broken.

Feeling the breeze at my back as he undid the knot a shiver ran through my body. Slipping my arms out I watched as the gown fell to the floor. There I stood completely bare a part from the panties I had on the day of the crash.

"I'll run the water you stay put" He said

Was he nervous?

"Not like I can go anywhere" I chuckled placing my hands on the sink to take the weight off my good leg. "If you run the water I can sit on the laundry basket and do it myself and you can wait outside?" I asked trying to make him relax. I had no idea why he was acting nervous he had seen it all before.

"I think that would be for the best sweetheart. Give me a shout if you need anything, I'll just be outside".

"Why?" I blurted out wishing I hadn't. My cheeks turned scarlet at the look he pulled.

"Get washed I'll be outside if you need me"

And then he was gone.



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