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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88

"Don't you think I fucking know that? She's in and out of consciousness! I don't know what the fuck to do"

Gasping my eyes sprung open the brightness of the room making me squint. The pain in my head had dulled but my full body felt like it was on fire.

Peeling at my clothes a cry fell from my mouth catching his attention.


"You should never had took her from the hospital"..

Was that my mom?

"My body is on fire" I cried tugging at the top I had on.

"Blaze do as I say and strip her"...

Ally too?

"You need to get her in a tepid bath and get that fever down... I don't hear any movement" Ally yelled.

"Fuck right"

Lifting me into his arms a strangled scream fell from my lips. I had never felt pain like this ever.

"What about the cast Ally?" He asked as he marched us both into the bathroom. Turning on the taps he sat me gentle on the toilet seat and began to rip the clothes from my body.

"Get her in the bath, you need to get her temperature down". She yelled

"Ava? Baby? Can you hear me?"

With my head against Blazes chest I moaned my response.

"You better pray she's okay Blaze or so god help me I will put a bullet in your head myself". My mom growled before there was silence.

Biting my lip so the cry wouldn't escape my mouth as he placed me into the bathtub, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Keep talking to her Blaze and make sure she answers everything you say. Keep her responsive and if anything changes get her to the nearest hospital. We're leaving in the next hour so we'll see you soon".


"Blaze" Ally yelled

"I heard you" He growled

Feeling his presence beside me I felt the coolness of his hand on my lower back. "You have had a shitty couple of weeks huh?" He whispered running the bath water over my full back.

Tensing I made a sound from the back of my throat - I was still responding wasn't I?

"Gotta do better than that sweets"

"Yes" I croaked my body not feeling as hot as what it was. As he repeatedly ran the water over my body I blinked my eyes open. "Guess a change of scenery wasn't really what I needed" I said trying but failing to give him a small smile.

"I should never of took you from the hospital" He sighed placing the back of his hand against my forehead. "What was I even thinking?".

"I- I feel better" I lied as I watched the water soak into the cast that was on my leg.

"And I told you before you can't lie for shit" He chuckled "Your temperature is through the roof sweetheart".


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