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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89


"Favourite snack?" He asked taking a seat beside me.

"I need to go to a hospital"

"You burning up again?" Jumping from the couch again he placed his hand on my forehead. Knocking it off I shook my head "No dummy my cast is soaking and I'm pretty sure it's doing nothing for my leg".

"Right, shit there isn't a hospital around for miles". Scratching the back of his head something he always did when he was thinking he started to pace the room.

"Guess I can wait until tomorrow" I shrugged pulling the towel off me and the jumper down. "I'm not as sore as I have been if you could find me some painkillers and some tea I'm sure I'll survive".

"You don't drink tea" He replied coming to a stop a few inches away from me. Raising my eyebrows at him I held back my smile as he about turned and went to the kitchen area.

"Sugar?" He called

"Sweet enough just tea with no milk" I smiled as I tried to make myself comfortable. "How long do you reckon I'll be here?" I asked taking the steaming cup from him.

"As long as it takes, you warm enough?" He asked taking a seat beside me and pulling out his phone.

"Why do you use phones like that? I've noticed you all have one" I said not answering his question. They were definitely outdated.

"Can't track these ones darling and they are easier to use when you do the shit I do" Bringing the phone to his ear I was about to say something when he pressed a finger to my lips.


Zoning out I thought about the one person I had been thinking about since I woke up.


Why didn't he come visit me? Why wasn't he the one that was there when I woke up? I thought we were together did I have it all wrong? I was angry but I was more hurt than anything else. I wanted to know why he wasn't there.

I was happy with Nate. The way he dropped everything for me. How he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. I missed that, I missed him. I missed the way he made me feel inside I missed the way he would look at me when he thought I didn't notice.



Snapping out of it I cleared my throat "Sorry what were you saying?" I asked putting Nate to the back of my mind.

"What were you thinking?"

"Just zoned out, who was on the phone?"

"Ally and Cage are on there way up she's booked you into the hospital to get your cast replaced. That'll keep you busy for a good few hours tomorrow" he said falling back into the space beside me.


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