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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90

"In here" I sighed pointing to my head and cutting him off "I was secretly blaming you for Nate not showing up. My crazy ass mind thought you had something to do with it but you didn't. Also thank you Blaze thank you for sitting by my bed for three weeks, thank you for protecting me the way you do and thank you for always being there for me. I've never said it before Blaze but you are a good guy and I'm glad you're in my life".

Taking my hand in his he laced our fingers together before flicking the tv back on. "I swear you see more of his ass than anything else on this god damn show" He growled causing a giggle to fall from my lips.

"It's a good ass babe" I smirked as I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face. "Stop staring".

"You just called me babe"

Taking my eyes off the tv I stared at him in confusion. What was the big deal with me calling him babe? Did he not like it?

"Say it again" He smirked causing my cheeks to redden. Of course he was trying to embarrass me.

"It just slipped out now be quiet a good bits coming up" I lied trying to change the subject.

Hitting the off button I was about to protest when he got all up in my face gently holding my good arm above my head.


"Say it again" He whispered his lips just above mine.

Okay so this escalated quickly. Swallowing the lump in my throat my eyes moved down to his lips and then back to his eyes.

"B-babe" I stuttered my teeth going straight into my lip something I always did when I was nervous.

"Not helping the situation I'm in" He groaned pulling my lip with his finger. "You know what that does to me".

This really wasn't a good idea at all.

"You're heartbeat is so strong" He whispered "I can here it beating from here".

I needed to calm down and he seriously needed to get out of my personal bubble. As his face suddenly got closer to mine I started to panic "I'm hungry" I blurted grabbing the remote from his hand a turning the tv back on "go make me something to eat slave" I grinned as he pulled himself away from me and headed to the kitchen.

Taking a deep breath I fanned my face with my hand suddenly feeling like the room temperature had shot up by 10 degrees. Should I have let him kiss me? I'm happy with where we are and I wasn't ready for anything other than us being friends heck I don't even know if I want to be with him again but right now I just liked it the way it was.

"Toast with cheese okay?" He called from the kitchen.

Nodding my head yes I was to engrossed with the tv to actually give him an answer. Sons of anarchy was far to addicting and yes Jax Tellers ass was a hell of a bonus.

"My ass is well nicer" He huffed handing me my toast and sitting beside me.

"You keep telling yourself that" I grinned taking a huge bite. When was the last time I had ate something?

"I'll prove it".

Choking on the food that was in my mouth I held up my hand "You don't have to do that" I wheezed trying to catch my breath.

"Say I have a nicer ass than him" He smirked starting to unbuckle his belt. "And I won't have to prove it".


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