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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94

"Trust me darlin' it's not the only thing that's hard". He winked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Get off of me now I'm not in the mood to play your silly games. When someone tells you they love you you're suppose to say it back" I huffed still not looking at him. "Unless of course you don't feel the same".

Sighing he slipped onto the other side of the bed. "Are we really going to argue about this?" He asked placing his arm over his eyes.

Frowning I used my good arm to punch him in the side "We aren't arguing Blaze I'm just making a point. You talk about how you want me and how much you want to make me happy yet you act like an asshole. This isn't the whole treat them mean keep them keen. If you think acting like that is going to score you points then you can just leave right now".

Was I turning this into an argument? Was I making to much of a big deal out of it?

"So we are arguing about it then? Because you sound really angry and punch me like that again and your ass will be red raw" He hissed pulling up his t-shirt.

"There isn't even a mark so stop whining you big baby and yes I am angry I mean how would you feel if I said that to you?".

"Fucking hell you aren't going to drop this are you? Ava I fucking love you I think I always have I didn't say it back last night because I thought you were asleep. I wasn't going to say it if you couldn't hear me say it. You have no idea how much I love you and for you to say it to me first it kinda threw me off my game. I wasn't expecting you to say you love me not after everything that has happened now can we please not argue about it and just let me bloody hold you" He grumbled slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

"Silence is golden" he whispered kissing the side of my neck.

"Why didn't you mention it this morning?" I asked causing him to groan. What? I wanted to know.

"I love you and you love me now can we please just let it go?"

I guess there really wasn't any point in arguing about it but why did it take him all that time to say it back?

"Fine I need to start getting ready anyway" I sighed attempting to get up which was really hard when you had someone's arms wrapped around you never mind the broken leg and hand. "For me to do that you have to let me go".

"I think we can manage 5 more minutes" He mumbled rubbing his thumb over my hip bone. "Plus I'm not letting you go until you tell me you love me". I knew he was smirking I could feel it against my shoulder.

"Then I guess we'll miss my appointment because I'm not saying....." Feeling the laughter erupted from my chest as he began tickling me all over I forgot what I was saying. "S-stop Blaze" I laughed mesmerised how he never once managed to hurt me. Still he continued to torture me. "Okay fine" I chuckled "Please just stop". I huffed out of breath from all the laughing.

"Not fair you know I can't do nothing about it while I'm like this" I frowned holding up my broken hand.

"Don't you have something you have to say to me?" He grinned

Getting my breath back I placed my hand gently against his cheek, suddenly the moment becoming serious.

"I love you Sean"..

"Blaze" He interrupted

Rolling my eyes I poked his chest "I love you Blaze. As hard as its been life is too short to be angry all the time. I want to be happy, I want to start enjoying my life and I want you to be in it. I want you to share all my memories good and bad. I know we have a long way to go and there will be bad times but I will stay no more running. I will love you even when I hate you. I want to be a part of your life and I sure as hell hope you want to be a part of mine".

"That was deep" He breathed causing me to shove him. "I'm trying to be serious and your making fun of me". I huffed

Getting into a sitting position he took my good hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "I love you too Ava more than you will even know. I've waited years to hear those words fall from your lips and you have no idea how happy you have just made me. Once this is all over with a ring will be put on your finger and a baby in your belly". He smiled bring my hand to his mouth and kissing my fingers.

"What if I don't get pregnant straight away?" I blurted out.

Inner thoughts Ava..


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