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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95

"He also has an 8 inch cock and great stamina" I snapped all three girls faces turning beetroot.

"Ava Mendez" The doctor stood clipboard in hand. "Right this way" He smiled once I raised my hand.

"Was that a little bit of jealousy I was sensing?" He whispered as we followed the doctor down a small corridor.

"Shut up" I snapped as he began to chuckle.

Following the doctor into the room I looked around suddenly feeling a little confused. Surely he wasn't fitting my cast here?

"So we are replacing the cast with a new one?" He asked taking a seat behind his desk.

Something felt strange and I knew I wasn't the only one who felt it. Blaze was holding me so tight I thought he was going to cut off my circulation.

"I get that look every time I bring patients in here" The doctor chuckled "I just need to ask you some questions and then we'll move you up to the orthopaedic floor and fit you with a new cast".

"Right" I smiled as Blaze sat me on the chair in front of the desk him taking the one beside me.

"State your full name and age please"

"Ava Mendez and I'm 24"

"And.." He was about to continue when Blaze cut him off.

"Dr Ava Mendez so you better not fuck this up" Blaze added my face turning scarlet with embarrassment. Why did he have to say that?

"Oh I didn't realise I was treating one of my own kind" He grinned ignoring Blazes comment. "What's your specialty?" He asked

"General surgeon I couldn't decide on what I liked better. Never have one day the same" I grinned forgetting how much I missed my job.

"How long?" He asked setting the clipboard on the desk in front of him.

"Passed my boards almost two years now and have been an attending at Gracie Square Hospital for the past year and a half".

"Interesting we actually...."

"Can we just get on with this? Some of us have places to be" Blaze snapped reminding me that he was there. I guess when I start talking about my job I forget everything around me.

"Of course, I apologise I'll be back in a second I'll just inform them you are coming, excuse me" He nodded before leaving the room.

"You didn't have to be so bloody rude" I scolded "He was only asking a few questions about my job".

"You're the one that didn't want to be here for ages yet you're happy sitting here talking doctor shit. And in case you have forgotten I've got somewhere I need to be too".

"Doctor shit? What's that suppose to mean?" I frowned "I miss my job Blaze and having someone to talk with about it is nice".

"Talk to me about it".

"You wouldn't understand" I instantly wanted to take back my words as soon as they left my mouth.

"Oh now I get it you think you're better than me. High and mighty doctor Mendez while I'm just the bad influence and dangerous boyfriend"

"Blaze that's not..."

"No I get it" He said cutting me off and getting to his feet.

"What are you doing?" I asked scared of what was coming next because deep down I knew.

"Guess I'm just good for my 8 inch cock and great stamina". He spat before storming out the door.

"Blaze" I called just as the doctor walked back into the room.

"We're ready for you now Ava".


"Now remember no baths" He chuckled as he helped me into the wheelchair.


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